popp pfp
excited to announce the launch of FOLK! in our 1st project "this machine kills copyright" @maceagon dives deep on the hypocrisy of bob dylan's sale of his catalog & the harms of copyright https://www.decential.io/articles/this-machine-kills-copyright-minting-a-bob-dylan-song-as-a-way-to-resurrect-folk-traditions
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popp pfp
🌍FOLK is a collective focused on tracing ancient folk relationships & methodologies to embed them into a new commons infrastructure. you can read more about what we’re up to on mirror: https://mirror.xyz/0x397400b077a3666a85d6e16541827E55f64F3dEe/h003_ZLQL6REtud4OkCaUnVH5WzqTxO5AWgeff6zRRc
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