popp pfp



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popp pfp
@maceagon recorded a beautiful rendition of dylan’s “girl from north country” as part of our first project at FOLK. you can listen to it on @zora here https://zora.co/collect/oeth:0x2f9894e39ef33e6b65817bf8f55a3e10a19beb80 proceeds support several web3 music collectives https://warpcast.com/popp/0x10665c55
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popp pfp
excited to announce the launch of FOLK! in our 1st project "this machine kills copyright" @maceagon dives deep on the hypocrisy of bob dylan's sale of his catalog & the harms of copyright https://www.decential.io/articles/this-machine-kills-copyright-minting-a-bob-dylan-song-as-a-way-to-resurrect-folk-traditions
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popp pfp
friend’s “bookswelike” site built in 2005 — community-sourced book recs w affiliate fees used to fund non profits. so cool. https://web.archive.org/web/20070510065835/http://bookswelike.net/
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popp pfp
excited for this one https://x.com/tromano/status/1702058437079974111?s=46&t=FznSq4xjAeldMrnar-isHQ
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popp pfp
often confused tbh
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popp pfp
when a soup’s so spicy you have to take your shirt off ❤️‍🔥
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popp pfp
doggy style bulletin board
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popp pfp
interesting - Mark Zuckerberg and Instagram are Launching A New App Directly Targeting Twitter https://artifact.news/s/QYHoTkCXvBE=
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popp pfp
come use crypto irl with us! the onchain farmers market is in west oakland every sunday 💚🌳 https://twitter.com/oakcurrency/status/1644444445881036801?s=46&t=FznSq4xjAeldMrnar-isHQ @darrell @jessepollak
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popp pfp
“first time i bought a real world thing with crypto!” @pifafu @darrell 🙌🏼 https://twitter.com/oakcurrency/status/1643737477453328384?s=46&t=FznSq4xjAeldMrnar-isHQ
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popp pfp
$oak calls always refill my web3 energy tank — come hang with us on sunday at the west oakland farmers market! https://www.meetup.com/crypto-in-community/events/292519697/
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popp pfp
april fools 🤝 ai tools
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popp pfp
super clear explanation for why it matters that communities design their own tools -- we need to define for ourselves our ways of being together online https://t.co/K7dRYvAMRg
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popp pfp
coffee w crypto! go $oak https://i.imgur.com/lzeMSdr.jpg
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popp pfp
we'll be out tomorrow at west oakland's farmers market -- come through! @darrell https://twitter.com/oakcurrency/status/1637161324051599361?s=20
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popp pfp
is anyone else cowatching tswift’s concert on tiktok live
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popp pfp
i want to sync to the playlists of the cars driving by. what’s that future?
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popp pfp
big props to angellist https://twitter.com/sumukhsridhara/status/1634394549899628544?s=46&t=FznSq4xjAeldMrnar-isHQ
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popp pfp
does your community or dao publish content together? (e.g. a newsletter, a twitter account, articles or white papers) we’d love your help answering a short survey to help us improve the collaborative publishing tools we’re building at meem.wtf! https://form.typeform.com/to/cEDSxl8E thank you!
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popp pfp
just bought veggies w $USDC at west oakland farmer’s market — go oak.community! https://i.imgur.com/RDEhEpj.jpg
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