polynya pfp
P2P + ZK - blockchain offers significantly superior decentralization, efficiency, privacy, verifiability, censorship-resistance and permanence The *only* thing blockchains are good for is strict global consensus Alas, many apps are being compromised into blockchains because of financial incentives over rational ones
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✳️ dcposch on daimo pfp
✳️ dcposch on daimo
Agree with those except "permanence". In practice every single byte that has ever finalized on Ethereum is easily retrievable today, and that will remain true even with danksharding. I've tried many P2P protocols (dat, zeronet back in the day, torrents ofc) and links broke / showed "0 seeds" all the time
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
You'll probably like the new blog post that @v is writing.
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Kobi Gurkan pfp
Kobi Gurkan
Ties into Justin Thaler’s observation that we focused as an industry on verifier-optimized tech because of it, while prover-optimized tech can be super meaningful
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depatchedmode 🎩 pfp
depatchedmode 🎩
I keep saying strict, global *timely* consensus, because I suspect there are other ways to have strict consensus globally if you are willing to wait less than forever but more than 15 minutes.
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ManuAlzuru🥑 pfp
We need to go back to our hackers roots and do key signing parties 🎉 Then we need to build private by default social graphs with selective disclosure.
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Liang /degencast SOON🎩 pfp
Liang /degencast SOON🎩
Does the fact that "strict global consensus" are all built on top of financial incentive, affects the apps onchain?
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