polynya pfp
Blockchains are just another centralizing tool, with the default outcome significantly worse than traditional incumbents - removing all the democratic checks and balances, replacing them with grotesque plutocratic control It takes significant will and effort for a blockchain to realise its decentralizing potential
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Sylve pfp
For blockchains to realize themselves they indeed need to become governments Fun bit is that no chains think about the concept of citizenship, for their own denizens or even folks who aren’t onchain at all Where’s the social contract
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Garrett 🎩↑ᖽ pfp
Garrett 🎩↑ᖽ
Really enjoy reading your thoughts but i struggle to see where you provide solutions or best practices on how to solve problems rather than just being hypercritical of the experimentation happening in a still very emergent tech space
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Clouted pfp
governance is another centralizing tool blockchain can be decentralized, trustless, censorship resistant, its the governance model that is broken that is a problem along the lines of effective co-ordination, incentive layers, game theory and the tragedy of the commons the CHANCE of crypto solving this, is valuable
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ildi pfp
Which blockchains do you think have done a good job at realizing their decentralizing potential, if any?
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