polynya pfp
A theoretical key appeal of being anon is only the ideas matter, not who writes them Realistically, the pseudonym does get attached to the ideas, but I think the pseudonym is relatively easier forgotten, and the ideas linger on attributed to many other people influenced by the anon - so does achieve the goal long term
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pintail pfp
I think you went further than most in choosing a pseudonym that nobody knows how to pronounce...
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jp  🦊🎩 pfp
jp 🦊🎩
i don’t see myself navigating the internet anonymously, at least not today, but even the perspective of it feels incredibly freeing. there is a strong reason why no one knows who satoshi is, and that is a decision that was made with a strong awareness of its consequence.
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Petra ⊙ 🪼 pfp
Petra ⊙ 🪼
Ideas as a virus with their own life is an entertaining concept. Definitely long term impact. Decided to leave social sciences because of the time frames being so long and unclear path for good ideas/theories to thrive.
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Chris Sheehan pfp
Chris Sheehan
The pseudonym is a good container for context and history of a particular person/being's ideas. Ideas without context are just vaporware.
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