Cora Westerink (1965)
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Good day, To you, readers with good intentions,
The current definition of genocide is based on the 1948 United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Genocide Convention). It defines genocide as:
"Any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial, or religious group, as such:"
1. Killing members of the group.
2. Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group.
3. Deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about the group’s physical destruction in whole or in part.
4. Imposing measures to prevent births within the group.
5. Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
A key aspect of genocide is specific intent to destroy the group as such, meaning because of their identity. States have a legal obligation to prevent and punish it under international law.
https://theconversation.com/auschwitz-to-rwanda-the-link-between-science-colonialism-and-genocide-71730 0 reply
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Reader with non-bully intentions, Two texts:
1 Walter Benjamin, Illuminations, p202, quote: "For the important thing for the remembering author is not what he experienced, but the weaving of his memory, the Penelope work of recollection. Or should one call it, rather, a Penelope work of forgetting? Is not the involuntary recollection, Proust's 'memoire involontaire', much closer to forgetting than what is usually called memory? And is not this work of spontaneous recollection, in which remembrance is the woof and forgetting the warf, a counterpart to Penelope's work rather than its likeness? For here the day unravels what the night was woven. When we awake each morning, we hold in our hands, usually weakly and loosely, but a few fringes of the tapestry of lived life, as loomed for us by forgetting. However, with our purposeful activity and, even more, our purposive remembering each day unravels the web and the ornaments of forgetting."
2 Lighting Candles in the Darkness: https://www.mdpi.com/2077-1444/12/1/29 0 reply
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Dear reader with good, and cybersafe intentions, What is peace? I just found the review in link 3 in one of my locked boards on Pinterest PoetryBirdsFly. I read the review about three years ago [...] It's an excerpt of this book, which i read partially:
1. https://www.amazon.com/Peace-History-Movements-David-Cortright/dp/0521670004
Do you have ideas about peace, how to end wars? To be very honest, i don't know what peace is, how lasting peace can be achieved, in the context of today's Europe and in the context of people who bring down airplanes with innocent civilians, like the MH 17 in 2014. However, i do know that pacifism leads to more violence, unfortunately. So, I translated a very good opinion about the topic, by Dutch public intellectual Hubert Smeets, Pacifism in times of war:
2. https://corawesterink.com/2023/02/24/smeets-nrc/
3. https://assets.cambridge.org/97805216/70005/excerpt/9780521670005_excerpt.pdf
Thank you for reading this cast,
Have a cybersafe day 0 reply
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Good day, First i wish you and the people you love health and cybersafety.
This is a message for readers with good intentions,
The Dutch Public Prosecutor, district Zeeland West-Brabant, the Dutch journalist (cyberbully) Jan Eikelboom (NOS & Nieuwsuur), and anonymous cyberstalking FLIPPO do nót understand that truth depends on dialogue and diplomacy because of spirits of light in human concepts of science.
Thus, If you succeed to dismantle Flippo, also known as IND jurist Jan Leenaers, Jan Waldolala, Ja Waldola, Martin Stokkers, etc., you will receive 20000 euro.
Cybercrime: https://corawesterink.com/2025/01/19/cybercrime/
Cyberstalking: https://corawesterink.com/2025/01/07/cyberstalking-what-is-it/
PS Astronomer, i think this THIS IS FLIPPO, creating digital identities, worldwide => https://scienceintegritydigest.com/2019/07/16/fabrication-the-diederik-stapel-case/ 0 reply
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Good day...I hope you will find this article interesting, useful. [...]
Science, Religion, and Health: The Interface of Psychology and Theology: https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation?paperid=76794
The writer explains why theory development is a religious act. For, quote: "It hinges upon one’s point of view and one’s outlook on life, namely, it is an act with a faith assumption behind it. That is equally true whether its formulation is secular or sacred. Theory development is one of the key intersections of the natural and social sciences with theology, in that it involves both the assessment of the natural or social science and the application of a world-view assumption to it. That intersection shapes and constrains everything in the natural and social sciences." end quote. Clarifying article. Scientists like Mr Dawkins don't understand, or they don't want to understand this, unfortunately. However, scientist Rupert Sheldrake does. Mr David Bohm also understood. Thank you for reading this cast. 0 reply
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Dear reader, Hopefully my casts are not annoying...or confusing...
This is Dex, one of my bro's love birds. We kept these birds at our parents' home and later in life, in our own homes. [...] Once, at our parents house, our female lovebird laid a clutch of 5 eggs. Our mom and dad agreed with our bird hobbies, if we took care of them ourselves. That was no problem. [...] We also held a family of hamsters... and mini turtles. If the future allows it, I will share the life of the hamster family and the turtles.
Did you have any pets when you were a kid? I like to think back to my childhood. That makes me feel safe. I wish that for everyone, to feel safe.
If you have a cat, find tips in this link. Cats and birds can live together. https://www.birdsbesafe.com/blogs/news/can-cats-and-birds-live-together-a-guide-to-harmonious-coexistence?s
Thank you for reading this cast.
PS My English is not perfect, but i do my best. 0 reply
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Dear reader, #repeat. First i wish you & the people you love, a life in good health and a cybersafe present & future.
I grew up with the music of Iggy Pop & David Bowie, among others.
If you focus on music you love, you'll forget the nightmare you are living in. At least, that's my strategy, listen to music as much as possible, interspersed with sending 💌🕸️💌 letters, daily (2014-present), blogging & drawing.
Three classics:
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQvUBf5l7Vw (Trainspotting)
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXgkuM2NhYI (Heroes [Christiane F. - Wir Kinder Vom Bahnhof Zoo])
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uD1M6XAQELg
4. Private investigations into the Void: https://corawesterink.substack.com/p/articles-tofor-survivors-of-cybercrime
Thank you for reading this cast. If you succeed in dismantling the identity of the cybercriminal troll Flippo, alias IND jurist Jan Leenaers and report the person the the American or Dutch public Prosecution Service, i will give you 20000 euros. 100%! 0 reply
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Astronomer? I share a basic timeless (bodily dependent) truth. I hope you understand. We, people, will always keep our bodies, guiding our senses in this global kaleidoscope-like digital spheres, merging into each other, or not, or without noticing. Source: On Freedom, Timothy Snyder, Crown Publishing Group, 2024. Chapter Solidarity, page 197. Have a safe day. 0 reply
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