Paul Millerd pfp

Paul Millerd


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Paul Millerd pfp
Paul Millerd
If you made your sole goal on earth to get people to embrace floor four in Asia do you think you could succeed in your lifetime?
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Paul Millerd pfp
Paul Millerd
Want to write a piece about people working in crypto and what it’s been like pursuing an unconventional path Let me know if you’d be interested in answering some questions.
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Paul Millerd pfp
Paul Millerd
the entire time I was in Barcelona I just kept thinking this is a nicer NYC But I also like spending my time mostly writing and thinking. So Europe probably a better fit for me anyway.
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Paul Millerd pfp
Paul Millerd
All cross generational family relations are 30% tech support
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Paul Millerd pfp
Paul Millerd
What is this generations equivalent of the college sticker of your kids school in the back of your car?
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Paul Millerd pfp
Paul Millerd
Can’t unsee this
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Paul Millerd pfp
Paul Millerd
The best stuff I’ve read this month has been contained in random PDFs that happened to be Linked to some site.
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Paul Millerd pfp
Paul Millerd
This essay was great. Really liked this part: “Previous generations were born in community and became individuals, we were born individuals and need to find community”
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Paul Millerd pfp
Paul Millerd
A game 2 loss to Miami is the worst kind of loss. Please don’t awaken playoff jimmy butler
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Paul Millerd pfp
Paul Millerd
I think one interesting thing from living in Asia for so long - I stopped smiling as much. Some relatives have said I seem less happy but it’s actually the opposite! I’m quite happy American smiling is a weird thing once you notice it
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Paul Millerd pfp
Paul Millerd
day 5 in retirement world. starting to get sucked in and like it definitely want to come back as an american boomer in another life
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Paul Millerd pfp
Paul Millerd
played around on threads for a few days, felt it was generally peaceful and nice. then had a post going viral and holy hell are people angry over there. warpcast it is haha
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Paul Millerd pfp
Paul Millerd
Gambling = the final frontier
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Paul Millerd pfp
Paul Millerd
Seems like there’s a great fragmentation happening on social media. But not sure there’s a clear vector for sorting. Gender (x is 70% male), industry (crypto, here), mode (substack, writing) and politics seem to be some. I generally like mixing between groups. Currently finding a new flow of posting and ideas.
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Paul Millerd pfp
Paul Millerd
Think I’m going to do a TSMC culture / taiwanese work culture deep dive sometime this year. You can only go Taiwanese to American work culture. It is not backward compatible.
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Paul Millerd pfp
Paul Millerd
End of noncompetes seems good? Anyone have background on this
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Paul Millerd pfp
Paul Millerd
In retirement world for the week. AMA
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Paul Millerd pfp
Paul Millerd
Interesting announcement from ghost
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Paul Millerd pfp
Paul Millerd
Last two books I’ve read have been from collectives, custom made This is a shorter one but well done
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Paul Millerd pfp
Paul Millerd
seems like the ultimate superpower in todays world is just having interest in things you actually care about through some action
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