plor  pfp



96 Following

plor  pfp
What if shares slowly degrade to loot with inactivity and loot can reconstitute to shares via activity?
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plor  pfp
Needs fewer ad hoc proposals for more continuity of purpose. Keeping up with a DAO that whipsaws between arbitrary efforts is too difficult for come and go types.
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plor  pfp
Yeah, the influencers are more like the petals of the flowers. Bees do the leg work.
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plor  pfp
Web3 communities need pollinators to carry ideas (best practices, philosophies, concepts) between those communities. But to push the analogy too far, we need to reward the pollinators so they can build a supply of honey to continue to pollinate season after season. We're killing our web3 pollinators.
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plor  pfp
A doe is a female deer (think "sound of music") and a young deer is a fawn, though people sometimes call them bambis in reference to the Disney film.
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plor  pfp
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plor  pfp
Exciting. I'm looking forward to jumping on this with you.
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Giuliano Giacaglia pfp
Giuliano Giacaglia
Do you see what’s happening, anon?
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plor  pfp
I love Frank Lloyd Wright. I live kinda close to Taliesin and his roots around here are felt strongly. Awesome sketch!
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plor  pfp
My goal was to make the ERC-20 the central place to increase your balance in the system. Then layers can be built on that to target different use cases. So an app that offers fiat to $PORTR and auto applies it to their account is possible without us changing anything in the core gateway.
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plor  pfp
You can also mint $PORTR directly from the contract with the native token. Pricing from chainlink (and Pyth).
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plor  pfp
Listening to David Bowie's "Heathen". An absolutely underrated piece of his catalog!
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plor  pfp
What happened in April of 2020? Lol.
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plor  pfp
I hate eventbrite with the passion of 1000 suns.
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plor  pfp
We're too busy thinking about Rome.
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Ξ2T 🎩 pfp
Ξ2T 🎩
Don't drink and DeFi
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plor  pfp
Is there an API available? I'm looking for a crypto-friendly privacy focused AI API. Ideally text and image support. Happy to chat further on what I'm thinking.
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plor  pfp
kinda cool frame, eh?
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plor  pfp
yeah, I don't think tkn likes the @, but I caught the github as well.
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plor  pfp
shamans are contracts. and they can have arbitrary additional functionality (multi steps?). And they have permission on the DAO they are attached to, meaning they can change the DAO without a proposal.
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