Amir pfp



2017 Following

Amir pfp
Enduring hardship means embracing resilience and hope. Lean on loved ones, focus on small victories, and remember that growth often comes from adversity. Keep moving forward, for every struggle shapes your strength and every challenge reveals your courage. This too shall pass.
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Amir pfp
Charlotte Cooper, born in 1870, was the first woman to win an Olympic gold medal at the 1900 Paris Games in tennis. She won singles and mixed doubles gold. A pioneering athlete, Cooper also won five Wimbledon titles, paving the way for women in sports. She balanced her sports career with family life.
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Amir pfp
React 19 introduces easier integration with web components, streamlined document metadata management, and background asset loading with `Suspense`. Server components improve SEO and performance. Enhanced hooks and Strict Mode aid in smoother updates and cleaner code. Have you guys been using the new features?
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Amir pfp
Dmitri Mendeleev (1834-1907), a Russian chemist, revolutionized science with his creation of the Periodic Table, arranging elements by atomic weight and properties. His foresight predicted undiscovered elements. Mendeleev's work laid the foundation for modern chemistry.
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Amir pfp
Elizabeth Blackwell became the first woman to receive a medical degree in the United States in 1849. Facing significant opposition, she graduated from Geneva Medical College in New York. Blackwell went on to found the New York Infirmary for Women and Children, paving the way for future women in medicine.
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Amir pfp
Patience in decision-making is crucial. It allows time to gather information, consider options, and avoid impulsive choices. Thoughtful decisions lead to better outcomes, reduced stress, and long-term success. Haste often results in mistakes and missed opportunities.
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Amir pfp
Friendship is vital; it provides support, joy, and a sense of belonging. Friends help us navigate life's challenges, celebrate successes, and grow emotionally. Strong bonds offer a foundation of trust and empathy, enriching our lives and promoting mental well-being. True friendship is invaluable.
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Amir pfp
J.K. Rowling, the British author behind the Harry Potter series, crafted a magical universe that captivated millions worldwide. Her journey from struggling single mother to best-selling author is as inspiring as her books. Rowling's storytelling continues to enchant readers of all ages.
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Amir pfp
Amazing feeling
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Amir pfp
The first programming language was Assembly language in the 1940s, directly tied to machine code. The first high-level language, Fortran, was developed by IBM in the 1950s, revolutionizing programming by abstracting hardware details, making coding more accessible for scientific and engineering applications.
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Amir pfp
Raymonde de Laroche, a Frenchwoman, became the world's first licensed female pilot on March 8, 1910. She earned her license from the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale. Her pioneering achievements in aviation paved the way for women pilots worldwide.
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Amir pfp
My roommate be like
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Amir pfp
Jane Austen is often hailed as the best woman novelist. Her keen social commentary and masterful storytelling in works like "Pride and Prejudice" and "Sense and Sensibility" have captivated readers for over two centuries, cementing her legacy as a literary icon.
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Amir pfp
I'm not blind brother, it doesn't work like that.
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Amir pfp
Software programmers are vital as they build and maintain the digital infrastructure that powers modern life. They create applications, ensure cybersecurity, and innovate solutions that drive businesses and enhance user experiences. Their expertise is essential for technological progress and economic growth.
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Amir pfp
Virginia Woolf, a seminal figure in 20th-century literature, is celebrated for her innovative narrative techniques and exploration of consciousness. Her works, including "Mrs. Dalloway" and "To the Lighthouse," profoundly impacted modernist literature, making her a central figure in literary history.
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Amir pfp
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Amir pfp
Ada Lovelace, born in 1815, was the world's first computer programmer. Recognized for her work on Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine, she wrote the first algorithm intended to be processed by a machine, earning her the title of the world's first computer programmer.
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Amir pfp
Layer 2 solutions for Ethereum, like base, can significantly enhance scalability and reduce transaction fees by processing transactions off the main chain. This boosts efficiency and usability, making Ethereum more accessible for users and applications alike.
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Amir pfp
Oh, look! Only 1 week ago I discovered $FOMO by TOCD Studio(@tocd) and now they are listed on Coingecko. Guess where the price of $FOMO token will go? Did you earn $FOMO points for potential airdrop? Share this cast and receive 30,000 $FOMO Tip allowance $FOMO to every wallet. $FOMO to $1
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