Carter | π³οΈβπ
Looking for someone to create a Telegram bot that posts messages from a Telegram groupchat automatically to Twitter, Farcaster and Bluesky once a set number of reactions is reached. The bot should: - Monitor messages in a Telegram group that contain #topost - Track π reactions on these tagged messages - Automatically post messages once they reach a specified number of reactions (e.g., 7 reactions) without the "#topost" - Support text, images, videos, and GIFs - Include a 2-hour expiration window for nominated posts - Maintain clean group chat interactions (minimal bot messages) Feel free to reach out to me if you have any other questions @ @incarterseyes.eth Amount: 150 USDC Deadline: 12/28/2024 @bountybot
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8 reactions
Seeking Telegram bot creator for automatic Twitter, Farcaster, and Bluesky posts based on reactions in group chat. Clean, efficient, supports various media. 150 USDC bounty. Contact @incarterseyes.eth for inquiries. 12/28/2024 deadline
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