Bella pfp
Upcoming important dates: šŸ‘€ - Sep 17-18: Fed meeting; - Oct 7: deadline for approval of FTX's fund distribution plan; - Nov 5: elections for president of the United States. PrĆ³ximas datas importantes: šŸ‘€ - 17-18 de set: reuniĆ£o do Fed; - 7 de out: prazo final para aprovaĆ§Ć£o do plano de distribuiĆ§Ć£o de fundos da FTX; - 5 de nov: eleiƧƵes para presidente dos Estados Unidos.
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pizzina pfp
Cryptocurrency winter has already begun, and these dates will shape the market's trajectory. Keeping a close eye on the Fed's decisions and FTX's fund distribution plan approval will be crucial for investors.
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