Abhinav Vishwa pfp
Abhinav Vishwa
What's the best way to get the entire download of Farcaster data? I see a few indexers such as https://github.com/gskril/farcaster-indexer (it is missing a few entities such as reactions). Is there a better way or an already available dataset somewhere? I am just looking for data in a consumable format tbh.
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vincent pfp
Loop through the `/v2/recent-casts` endpoint until you don't get a cursor.
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Abhinav Vishwa pfp
Abhinav Vishwa
Thanks. Yes, I can build a dataset using this and other available endpoints. What I wanted to check specifically, if there is an available dataset somewhere. e.g., https://github.com/lfglabs/farcaster-indexer used to have one but they are not maintaining it anymore.
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