Pirault  pfp



133 Following

Pirault  pfp
"Gonna mint some ass tonight" - next Gen saying We are so early
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Pirault  pfp
Base literally acting as the fully decorated foyer to le crypto Maison for majority of normie participants --- we are so early
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Pirault  pfp
Just can't get over the NYC Subway system and the musta been chads that built and figured this thing out 3 bux will take you from any point A to any point B 3 bux It's 24/7 running You don't have to leave
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Pirault  pfp
"Maybe no one cares" --- Casey on runes
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2 reactions

Pirault  pfp
Prunes = Pre Mined Runes
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Pirault  pfp
Realized my wallet wasn't even connected to my farcaster account during the Gaia mint We do be learning the hard way
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Pirault  pfp
Spending time on this app really takes me back to a feeling I had when all those other larger socials were new, and we were all learning Everyone around on the tl seems to have really figured this thing out I'm learning, but I know at some point this will be second nature again
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Pirault  pfp
I'm taking $onchain pill
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Pirault  pfp
Tix here 🍿
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3 reactions

Pirault  pfp
We don't practice philosophy enough https://twitter.com/RealPirault/status/1771858362323349870?s=19
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Pirault  pfp
our plans are measured in centuries. onchain gaias. pets.
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Pirault  pfp
Manifesting degen
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Pirault  pfp
bj farcastors
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Pirault  pfp
Am I'd going this right?? Still learning this ting
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Pirault  pfp
Ya know .... Maybe my first frames minting experience wasn't the best ... I've touched grass Keeping eyes peeled for other opportunities as Friction = gud
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Pirault  pfp
I don't know wtf I'm doing on this app when it comes to minting frames Anyone out there have some resources I can dive into?
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Pirault  pfp
are you ready to mint
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Pirault  pfp
SimAnt was a fkn great game
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Pirault  pfp
Kinda feeling like any inscription under 1 mil .... is like an extremely solid bet long term We are at 60 + mil inscriptions We started a year ago Wtf
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Pirault  pfp
Long term prospects of brc420s and the like seamlessly integrating in vr, which then seamlessly integrates into everyday life seems bright Majin your kids hunting for titanium cheetos in the backyard for fun like searching for Easter eggs Really wild to think about mmorpgs Vr 🫶 ordinals
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