LilPing pfp



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LilPing pfp
the most important skill going forward in this AI world is what access you have to trade secrets and alpha that others don't know about. btw, I want to collect this 👍piece with my warplet
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LilPing pfp
Why onchain?
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LilPing pfp
Maharaja Movie · 2024 · ★★★★★ 因果报应
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LilPing pfp
earn onchain
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LilPing pfp
灵感枯竭就读书📚对着眼前信息有限的沙盘,是盘不出什么新东西的。 以前认识的两位朋友都说,如果想做厉害的运营,可以策划出精妙的事件,必须读很多书、读历史。 这些年如果说我后悔什么,那就是花了很多精力去追逐那些所谓的链上新项目新设计,而没有读足够多优质的经典。
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LilPing pfp
E酱这个写得好好 ​做治理学徒很久了,虽然是没有老师的那种学徒,靠着自学和同伴相互启发。 困难的地方除了研究清楚项目的规则,还有非常频繁地面临电车难题,电车面前有分岔路,一边绑了 5 个人,一边绑了 1 个人。现实是留给自己思考的时间不多,投票也必须得投。很多时候就是需要勇气和快速判断冲过去,此刻看来做错的决定,下一个关卡发现之前又做对了,或者相反。 很多伦理拷问是来不及去想的,乱世中只能勇敢冲。这边看到华人还会思考伦理正当性与内耗,惊讶发现那边的西方人都简单得很,全是利益和算计,和推上主流的说华人短视投机截然不同。
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LilPing pfp
自我是一个虚幻的东西 ​当非常快速遵从了系统 1 的指令做出一些行为,转念系统 2 就会惊觉惶恐,持有相反的意见,自我在两个系统的空间里悬浮、横跳 ​接收的信息不断把那个虚幻的东西在两边踢来踢去 最近的我 90% 的时间被系统 1 劫持了
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LilPing pfp
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LilPing pfp
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LilPing pfp
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LilPing pfp
instead of tip, I sent directly with warplet
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LilPing pfp
In 2017, I thought the same way. I had this unfounded belief in collective wisdom, especially after seeing phenomena like ant colonies, bee swarms, and murmurations. Yet 8 years later, I haven't witnessed much collective intelligence emerge in the crypto space. Perhaps people are too clever, too intellectually sophisticated, and too focused on self-interest to generate true collective wisdom. Instead, we've ended up with fragmentation and a zero-sum game of mutual exploitation rather than collaborative creation. Maybe my conclusion is skewed by the limited timeframe of my observation and lifespan. Now I find myself questioning the notion that DAOs are inherently democratic and decentralized, and I'm considering alternative possibilities. On innovation in DAOs, perhaps we should consider René Girard's perspective—not rigidly pursuing innovation but starting with mimesis instead. @quaestor
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LilPing pfp
Why not both? Heroes who make decisive choices are often the most profound philosophical thinkers as well.
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LilPing pfp
The DAO organizational structure is naturally suited for philosopher kings. @quaestor What do you think?
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LilPing pfp
This world is like: if you're motivated by self-interest, they'll call you mercenary; if you're not motivated by self-interest, they'll call you naive. Since you'll get criticized no matter what you do, you might as well just do what you want to do.
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LilPing pfp
I relate to what you're saying about links.eth's comment "I've kept my silence" in prop766. That feeling really resonates with me too. Why do people stay quiet when they notice problems or concerns? I tend not to blame individual members—not because they're cowardly, but because the environment doesn't encourage speaking up. Lulu's words are especially well-written and correct in principle. I've seen similar advice about social issues in Chinese contexts too—like "speak up bravely" or "if you're being harmed, speak out." But these approaches often don't work effectively. People who truly believe in these principles and speak up often end up like someone running headfirst into a wall, getting badly hurt. I've had similar experiences in Nouns. Just by pointing out some thoughts where I didn't fully agree with a proposal, I was accused of maliciously competing with the proposer. Even when speaking as an individual, I got labeled as "your team" and was accused of organizing attacks with a group.
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LilPing pfp
I want some Tamagotchi FRAMEs😂
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LilPing pfp
Meet my hen! Ain’t she a beaut 🐓 Hatch yours now and earn some $EGGS
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LilPing pfp
好喜欢这个杭州导游!突然觉得当导游很有意思,但是我的景点知识目前有点缺乏😂 7 Jason徐朱成发布了一篇小红书笔记,快来看吧! 😆 mbvL9HZYwy6PwAa 😆,复制本条信息,打开【小红书】App查看精彩内容!
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LilPing pfp
After looking at the comments of Proposal 766, I noticed an interesting division: is Nouns actually a company? Or should we think about its future development as if it were a company? According to DUNA's definition, Nouns is a non-profit organization. According to the nouns. wtf website, Nouns is a community. These two perspectives don't seem to be a consensus among all Nouns members. This disagreement is affecting how people view treasury. Those who see Nouns as a company tend to be more cautious with spending and might support the Break Even Movement more. Those who view Nouns as a community tend to be more tolerant and place less emphasis on holding proposals accountable for execution.
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