Pimlico pfp



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Timur Badretdinov pfp
Timur Badretdinov
Crazy how EntryPoint 0.7.0 was deployed almost 2 months ago, but @pimlico is still the only bundler sending UserOps on Ethereum, Optimism, Base, and probably some other chains as well. Also they sent over 800 bundles on Base already, impressive!
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Kristof Gazso | kristof.eth pfp
Kristof Gazso | kristof.eth
the pimlico API now supports batch JSON-RPC requests
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Kristof Gazso | kristof.eth pfp
Kristof Gazso | kristof.eth
permissionless.js v0.1.18 released
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Kristof Gazso | kristof.eth pfp
Kristof Gazso | kristof.eth
New API Key configuration options for @pimlico - User-Agent allowlist - Origin allowlist - IP / subnet allowlist - Enable / disable bundler methods - Enable / disable paymaster methods
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souravinsights pfp
here's what I've put together as of now: https://shorturl.at/aDZ57 a little context: - this tool is based on the permissionless.js library by @pimlico - users can choose their own account system, paymaster, signer & then it generates a clean, extensible boilerplate project!
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Kofi pfp
The Safe 4337 module executes UserOps on behalf of Safe wallets, allowing them to act as 4337 accounts. 87% of the Base UserOps in March were bundled by @pimlico
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Pimlico pfp
We’re looking forward to seeing how people use the new paymaster, and have licensed it under MIT to give builders as much freedom as we can to benefit from smart accounts. Share your ideas for use cases here or reach out to us! See you on onchain.
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Pimlico pfp
We deployed a paymaster to Sepolia already, and will be deploying to more chains over the coming days. If you would like us to deploy our paymaster for a token you would like supported, get in touch! Track the currently deployed addresses here: https://docs.pimlico.io/paymaster/erc20-paymaster/contract-addresses
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Pimlico pfp
3. the paymaster now removes the cached price mechanism in favor of directly querying the oracle for every user operation, which makes prices more accurate for users and protects the paymaster operator.
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Pimlico pfp
Our new version upgrades makes three major updates: 1. the paymaster now supports EntryPoint v0.7. 2. the paymaster enables the use of 'guarantors' that can front the gas fees for users with the expectation of getting paid back later.
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Pimlico pfp
Most notably, people wanted a way to use the paymaster in a way that doesn't require the user to approve tokens to the paymaster before the validation step of their first user operation. For many account implementations, this was simply not possible in the first version.
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Pimlico pfp
While we've seen some success with our first version, we've also heard many pieces of constructive feedback.
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Pimlico pfp
ERC-20 gas fee payments have been a long-held promise of smart accounts, but until the launch of the v1 of our ERC-20 paymaster, there has not been a permissionless implementation not requiring a centralized API to use.
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Pimlico pfp
Check out our reworked Tutorial 3 to get started paying for your transaction in USDC! https://docs.pimlico.io/permissionless/tutorial/tutorial-3
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Pimlico pfp
We're excited to launch the new version of our ERC-20 Paymaster: completely permissionless, fully production-ready, audited by OpenZeppelin, and licensed under an MIT license.
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Kristof Gazso | kristof.eth pfp
Kristof Gazso | kristof.eth
new 'Bundler' page on the @pimlico dashboard: see how many user operations you have bundled per chain, and how much in gas fees they have consumed
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Kristof Gazso | kristof.eth pfp
Kristof Gazso | kristof.eth
permissionless.js v0.1.12 - Added ganache support for getSenderAddress lots of work being done to make alto and permissionless.js runnable locally and for testing!! GitHub release: https://github.com/pimlicolabs/permissionless.js/releases/tag/permissionless%400.1.12
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Kristof Gazso | kristof.eth pfp
Kristof Gazso | kristof.eth
more and more people building on @pimlico!
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Nik (BOLIDE🟢) pfp
Started trading meme coins on Bolide with initial deposit of 5k USDC, all on @base No gas thanks to @pimlico @kristof Beautiful app thanks to @oxb
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Pimlico pfp
stay @safe
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