Elham pfp



1958 Following

Elham pfp
Nominate me if you believe that I'm a builder 💛 https://www.build.top/nominate/0x9fB3254ceC9fad0B9c41081F81dfBB696107fd21
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Elham pfp
Today, I appreciate the precious gift of time. The moments I share with loved ones, the laughter that echoes through our conversations. It's a reminder that life is fleeting, and we must seize each day with gratitude and purpose. 💛
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Elham pfp
A girl’s dreams know no bounds. She envisions a future teeming with possibilities, and with unwavering determination, she forges ahead to turn those dreams into reality. Along the way, she inspires others to chase their own aspirations.
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Elham pfp
I love rainy days. It's very calming to curl up with a good book while the raindrops softly hit the window, making a relaxing sound. It's the perfect reason for a cozy day with some quiet thinking and a warm drink. Life is good 💛
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Elham pfp
🌀 Cast and get 3 free spins to earn points. Points will be exchanged for tokens at the end of the 1st season. 🫂 Get 3 more spins for each friend you invite. Read the «Rules» section to learn more. ☀️ Enter Onchain Summer with /pill
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Elham pfp
Sometimes, the most productive thing you can do for your work is to take a complete break. Stepping away from your project, even for a short while, allows your mind to de-stress and come back to it with fresh eyes.
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Elham pfp
My TOP 10 $DEGEN tippers! I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to my friends for their unwavering support. 💚
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Elham pfp
If you enjoy my content, I kindly request that you consider nominating me on Build. Nominate => Search Farcaster Handle (mine is: pillow) => Confirm https://www.build.top/
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Elham pfp
Embrace the habit of learning a new random fact every day. Even seemingly insignificant tidbits can keep your mind sharp and curious. The world is brimming with fascinating trivia waiting to be discovered, and you never know when that random knowledge might prove unexpectedly useful!
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Elham pfp
Taking a moment to appreciate silence, away from the constant noise and distractions of everyday life, can be incredibly calming. Finding a quiet space, focusing on your breath, and allowing your mind to rest can do wonders for your mental well-being.
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Elham pfp
/co bet 1000 on black
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Elham pfp
Remember, friendships should enhance your life, not drain you. Trust your instincts and prioritize relationships that bring positivity and joy. Betrayals aren’t strictly related to amorous relationships. Choose your friends wisely; not everyone deserves your energy and effort.
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239 reactions

Elham pfp
Good morning on this Friday. I hope you’re feeling well. Remember to take care of yourself, your health is the most important thing. 💛
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Elham pfp
I was truly astonished by the unveiling of GPT-4.o and its remarkable capabilities. It’s evident that the evolution of ChatGPT is occurring at a rapid pace. Some new features are image interpretation, multilingual translation, emotional recognition, and memory retention. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQacCB9tDaw
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191 reactions

Elham pfp
Taking care of yourself involves intentionally choosing the company you keep. As a woman, I’ve made the decision to distance myself from toxic individuals and prioritize positive relationships. By doing so, I create a protective shield against negativity, allowing me to focus on personal growth and happiness. 💛
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Elham pfp
Mother’s Day is a heartfelt celebration honoring the love, sacrifices, and unconditional support of mothers worldwide. Happy Mother’s Day to all moms! Let’s take a moment to appreciate everything these amazing mothers have done for us and show our love. ❤️
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170 reactions

Elham pfp
9 Habits of Highly Successful People: - they get up early - they read, a lot - they spend 15-30 minutes each day on focused - they make exercise a priority - they spend time with people who inspire them - they pursue their own goals - they get enough sleep - they avoid time wasters
11 replies
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Elham pfp
/co airdrops
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Elham pfp
I don’t complain about others; instead, I adapt. Wearing shoes is easier than carpeting the world. Struggles make us hot, and human experience cooks us. Everything hot eventually cools down, but cooked food never turns raw.
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186 reactions

Elham pfp
The easiest way to mint Zora is indeed a popular platform for minting and trading digital art, and there are several reasons why it’s considered one of the easiest ways to get started: - User-Friendly Interface - Decentralization - Fractional Ownership - Community and Curation - Transparency and Provenance
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160 reactions