달달했던 시즌1이 끝나가고 1.6일 초기화하고 시즌2 시작합니다 $SCOUT 에어드랍은 시즌1과 2점수를 합쳐서 준다고 하네요. I scored 3888 Scout Points this week as a Top Scout! Big shoutout to my top Builders: @fraolchris, @tieubochet.eth, @piesrtasty. Who will be next? My profile: https://scoutgame.xyz/u/hellena-723c1a74
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I got you! Also I see you're big on Moxie. I just created an account. Is there anyway to leverage being a top builder on scout game in Moxie? I don't really know what to do and no one bid on my token although I have a high Moxie score (228). Looking for advice on how to get going w/ the protocol.
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Hmm, first of all, in the Moxie protocol, higher earnings by the user lead to more burning, which increases the fan token price—that's the most important part. Since you're a top builder in the Scout Game, many players already recognize your ID. If you have a high Farscore or frequently trade on the Base chain to increase your Base rewards, more people will likely purchase your Fan tokens. 💡
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