Picnic pfp



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Picnic pfp
I love Fernando Pessoa. He cared so much about *why* he wrote; it was a consistent blocker for him Does anyone else question their motives all the time? Was talking about this with a friend; I want to do things purely, because I believe in it/love it/it’s necessary to me, but that awareness can make it hard to act
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Picnic pfp
Helloooooo [ echo echo echo ] Excited to kick off the /code4rena channel. I’m the most bullish on Farcaster from our team, so I’m taking it on. What do we want to see here? Besides new competition announcements, that sort of thing.
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Picnic pfp
Going to finally kick off the /code4rena channel bc I’m getting questions Are we on Farcaster yet, wardens/competitive auditors? What would we want from a C4 channel?
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Picnic pfp
Pessoa making me think about what landscape I am today (atm I’d say turbulent but sunny) “Eternal tourists of ourselves, there is no landscape but what we are. … The universe isn’t mine; it’s me.” —The Book of Disquiet by Fernando Pessoa
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Picnic pfp
I can see why you all recommended Pessoa’s The Book of Disquiet “the wherewithal to lose everything splendidly”…what a line May we all have this mindset, even when we have everything to lose
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Picnic pfp
I’ve always been like this
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Picnic pfp
The only thing sad about libraries is when you have to return a book that you've taken with you around the world. What am I going to do without my copy of The Log of the Sea of Cortez???
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Picnic pfp
Thing I love about farcaster is I actually miss it when I’m heads down. My timeline gives me so much energy when I log in. And even though I’m not at farcon this year, it makes me so happy to see you all getting together irl. There is nothing like this place.
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Picnic pfp
also love that it took 45 minutes for someone to notice today isn’t monday 😄 we are all in beast mode
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Picnic pfp
as someone hyper-focused on building, this is a power feature when in beast/focus mode (like now), can turn on + get direct hit of what's most valuable. when in exploration/curiosity mode, can turn off + be exposed to newer, less proven accounts
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Picnic pfp
always monday when in beast mode
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Picnic pfp
So ready for @christin and @ghostlinkz.eth’s animal crossing version of farcaster where /books gets its own library! 💜
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Picnic pfp
guys, this did not save my life 😭 90% of my farcaster time is spent monitoring for bots in the /books channel instead of casting, and it’s still a fail. going to have to reconsider my life choices bots can you just go away so I can spend my time on the things we want instead of the things we don’t?
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Picnic pfp
this is going to save lives
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Picnic pfp
Anyone else worry they’ve damaged their home feed forever by clicking “show less like this” and not knowing how the algorithm interpreted “this”? Like, is my feed now showing me less about this topic, less from this person, or less from people I follow in general??
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Picnic pfp
Whitman making me question whether success is real this morning
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Picnic pfp
I don’t know why but this is weirdly relatable to me and thank you I feel seen 🙏
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Picnic pfp
Some days, running a company is so hard. But today? Man, it’s been a really really good day. (REMEMBER THIS DAY, future picnic!) Wishing all of us some really really good days of building in our future 🔥
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Picnic pfp
What are everyone's favorite passages from the books you're currently reading? Thank you @magnator for sharing this idea with us! (Feel free to share more ideas for the /books channel in that thread, if you have them ☺️) https://warpcast.com/magnator/0xd68d6c91
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Picnic pfp
are we just a little concerned that blobs led to duke leto’s doom?
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