The funny thing is, as a kid, I was worried that my mum would forget to pick me up from school. On the odd occasion she did. On a note she left me, she said she’ll never forget me. But I had this weird emotion where I cried often on my birthday for someone I remember it to this day and I keep it as a memory for some reason. But I ask sometimes why was this such a hard emotion for me so young to care so much… why was I so worried about someone forgetting me… well the reason be clear much much late but sometimes lately it feels like it’s too late after everything even after the dust has settled. I don’t know how long I’ll be here for, but maybe who I choose to get to spend that part of my life with now is who I choose to make new memories of my own with. That won’t leave me with endless worry and anxiety. Because I’ve realised how much time is wasted by the weight of anxiety causes us to stay stuck in places we shouldn’t be.
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