phoenix 🎩 pfp

phoenix 🎩


442 Following

phoenix 🎩 pfp
phoenix 🎩
Why do they always say "Hottest weather ever coming to the UK next" And then I look at the forecast and
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phoenix 🎩 pfp
phoenix 🎩
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phoenix 🎩 pfp
phoenix 🎩
When I do a strength workout, I leave feeling happy and energized. After HIIT, I feel like I want to die. A couple of hours after HIIT I do feel a bit of euphoria kicking in, but I can't help but feel that I'm destroying my body doing it (read: too much pain), and enjoy it less, so why do it? Any hot takes?
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phoenix 🎩 pfp
phoenix 🎩
Frame by @tom-major Still feels fresh.
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phoenix 🎩 pfp
phoenix 🎩
Sooo much wage cucking lord please save me
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phoenix 🎩 pfp
phoenix 🎩
I have a confession. I never posted ham. However as a firm believer that we're still early, this is paradoxical to me being late to post ham. Rolled up my sleeve. Bought floaties. Installed ham action. Posting ham.
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phoenix 🎩 pfp
phoenix 🎩
OK at this rate my tip allocation will be 0 tomorrow Send help I will tip you 2 degen for your trouble 🤣😭
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phoenix 🎩 pfp
phoenix 🎩
Someone better take a stand against single-use coffee cups that start dripping after a minute because I can't take this any longer
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phoenix 🎩 pfp
phoenix 🎩
WTF mfer just check my fid We didn't have bots back then
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phoenix 🎩 pfp
phoenix 🎩
Sometimes I feel like wow what a banger and then not a single one of my >600 followers likes the post 😭
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phoenix 🎩 pfp
phoenix 🎩
Half way into season 5 of Fargo and I think it's brilliant.
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phoenix 🎩 pfp
phoenix 🎩
Amazon Prime ads are a major buzzkill
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phoenix 🎩 pfp
phoenix 🎩
There is one good thing that happens if degen goes to zero, and that's that they'll stop attention-farming us with tips, am I right? Glass half full broskis
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phoenix 🎩 pfp
phoenix 🎩
I casually answered my boy when he asked what a shart is, and this proved to be a mistake. Now, he creates variations of popular songs using the word. Some noteworthy examples (replace verb in title with "shart" and enjoy): Shout by Depeche Mode Cry by Mergui And he keeps 'em coming 😭
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phoenix 🎩 pfp
phoenix 🎩
Happy Friday
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phoenix 🎩 pfp
phoenix 🎩
GM if you're spending your Friday setting up a bitcoin node like me
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phoenix 🎩 pfp
phoenix 🎩
Instead of doing nothing, I spent all my $FP on beers for my now-dead pet.
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phoenix 🎩 pfp
phoenix 🎩
Tfw you realise you were up refining AI prompts all night, and your sleep schedule is messed up for the remainder of the week, but you got some cracking results. GM
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phoenix 🎩 pfp
phoenix 🎩
Wishing a happy payday to the liquidity providing degenchads who make the market for our degen trading.
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phoenix 🎩 pfp
phoenix 🎩
!attack north
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