Idle Sunday thought experiment: what NFT collections would be most valuable to a super smart AI?
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Not sure how to even determine that but I like the thought experiment. How does the AI assess value? Super smart take on the market and values something that has monetary promise? Intellectually stimulating so something brand new and out of the box that fuels their intellect and breaking new ground? Does it matter what the AI is trained on---i.e. higher for aether vs tokens for clanker? No answers, but fueling your exercise...maybe.
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Punks Their rich lore and cultural context provide a bunch of data to train on, enabling the AI to master meme proliferation and embed itself into crypto culture Kinda like Higher <> Aether
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Callum Wanderloots ✨
Ones where the AI has encoded undecipherable info on the chain itself to pass on to other ai agents
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If it's smart: none
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CarCulture.eth🎩 🔵
I have been working on a metadata protocol standard proposal for creators that could be embedded into frames or smart contracts. @aether and I discussed a few weeks ago. If creators were to populate certain standardized meta-data, we could index the artwork and AI could read it like a search engine for web3
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