Jesse Pollak 🔵 pfp
Jesse Pollak 🔵
it is remarkable how fast Ethereum L2s are growing (1) in the depths of a bear market; (2) before fees reduce 10x via 4844. h/t @msilb7
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pgpg pfp
Would love to see a 30,60-day retention graph for these.
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Michael Silberling pfp
Michael Silberling
7-14 day retention for OP is here. Good idea on a more general / longer-term view
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pgpg pfp
Hey that's actually a decent retention rate on OP
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Michael Silberling pfp
Michael Silberling
It may be a little inflated now because app quests are live, and you could probably spend a few weeks going through them all. So 30/90 for this group may be more telling to your point before.
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pgpg pfp
Yeah, basically try to get rid of accounts which are just created for specific purposes.
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