Michael Pfister pfp
Michael Pfister
I've been cold-shilling alerty to journalists at 9to5mac, macrumors, appleinsider, etc to no avail. Any pro tips around cold outreach and getting published?
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Renee Bigelow pfp
Renee Bigelow
They are humans like the rest of us. Human interaction goes a long way. 1. Make sure you follow anyone you are pitching or planning to pitch (across platforms). They often look at new followers just like the everyone else. 2. Interact and thoughtfully engage with their posts like you would with someone here on FC.
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Renee Bigelow pfp
Renee Bigelow
7. Once you have some engagement with them online (like the Mastadon guy) offer to be background source or provide a quote on something where you are an expert anytime they need it.
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Michael Pfister pfp
Michael Pfister
Very helpful, thank you!
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Renee Bigelow pfp
Renee Bigelow
Happy to share and hope it helps. The difference between cold and warm is being a known entity. So few people treat them like people who have needs too. Many good reporters use their social interactions to build the best sources. Just play the long game along with the short pitch.
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