Michael Pfister
Personal AI assistants do not need to be solved through new hardware like the AI pin, rewinds pendant, or Tab. IMO those will all fail. It’s purely a software problem. iPhones, watches, and headphones will do just fine as the hardware. We just need an all new OS re-imagined with AI capabilities in mind.
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OS reimagined -> new physical form factors is definitely the way Solve the problems where they are and then start scaling out to new platforms that solve larger/new problems
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example of this: for all the talk of AI and agents, what are some use cases other than ChatGPT that are built into apps folks use every day? personally i can’t think of any other than maybe cursor.sh
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Michael Pfister
I think education apps will be a big one, granted they’ll likely be compulsory for students
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100% the more information people have access to/understand the more a situation around them can change, and I see this being very true for education as well — a system that’s, at least in the states, ripe for a shake up
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