PFH pfp
Who is building etherscan for farcaster hubs? I want to specify a hub endpoint and an fid and see all the data the hub has plus a list of all hub events involving that fid. I have a bunch of scripts to do this locally, but a ui would be nice, especially for handling pagination and fids with lots of data.
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Zach pfp
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PFH pfp
Oh great, when can I try?
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Zach pfp
Hmmmm maybe 1.5 weeks? Will probably slide into your DMs soon so we can see what a power user might want to do @greg
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PFH pfp
Some specific use cases to consider: - Run same query (i.e. getAllSignerMessagesByFid) across multiple hubs - Search event history (especially revoke or prune events)
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Zach pfp
Super super helpful!
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