dylan pfp
anyone know where i can find the protocol docs for Farcaster Alpaca? https://warpcast.com/v/0x0967e7
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dylan pfp
is this it below, or is there a recent commit/change in API docs? cc @dwr.eth @v @pfh https://github.com/farcasterxyz/protocol/discussions/71
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PFH pfp
That's the main change, though we'll add a tag to the protocol docs too. App and package versions that implement Alpaca: - @farcaster/[email protected] - @farcaster/[email protected] - @farcaster/[email protected] See releases here: https://github.com/farcasterxyz/hub-monorepo/releases
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dylan pfp
Gotcha - very helpful info, thank you 🙏
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