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Political metamodernism; Freer than libertarianism, more regen than ecologism, more egalitarian than socialism, more prudent than conservatism and more rebellious than anarchism 👀 In short, political metamodernism should help us transcend the left/right political divide to finally build well-functioning societies without biases. In this post: - Problems - Six New Forms of Politics - Memetic Revolution - Towards a Sustainable Future Implementing these six new forms of politics should lead us to less pollution, less destruction, less mindless consumption; and at the same time - surprisingly, more freedom 👀👀👀
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Problems For the most part, issues like people suffering from a lack of basic resources & easily preventable diseases, have been resolved. Alas! New problems emerged: - Global issues like ecological unsustainability - Extreme inequality, money extraction & housing crises - Alienation & lack of meaning leading to all kinds of crazy shit happening
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Emotions run the world Avoidance of negative emotions makes up the invisible machinery that lets everyday life in any society run smoothly and not descend into chaos. Exclusion & rejection activate the same brain patterns as physical pain - pushing people to bitterness & vengefulness. Happy people make more people happy and angry sad people make more people angry and sad. In a sense, there’s an economy of emotions underlying all societies. How other people feel affects us whether we like it or not.
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