0xen 🎩 pfp
0xen 🎩
$degen has done an incredible job of redefining how token distribution is done, millions have been distributed to Farcaster builders and contributors, with more to come $enjoy is doing the same for creators on Zora currently 1/4 of all comments on Zora are tips Artists don't let other artists NOT know about $enjoy
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8 recasts
96 reactions

Perec, Georges pfp
Perec, Georges
Bought some enjoy early as I could, hodled it to great success…now need to worm my way into this Zora ecosystem. Step by step we climb the ladder; book by book we learn the ways.
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3 reactions

Perec, Georges pfp
Perec, Georges
Tried to wriggle my way into Zora/Enjoy ecoverse before but I got stuck in an orb.
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