Jean Hansen pfp

Jean Hansen


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Jean Hansen pfp
Jean Hansen
Panel about network state at BlockchainRio.
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Jean Hansen pfp
Jean Hansen
Imagine waking up knowing you are competing with Elon Musk 😅 @dwr.eth
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Jean Hansen pfp
Jean Hansen
It's amazing how large, influential, and broadly adopted Open Source has become. And arguably without "reaching mainstream." Most normies have no idea of the influence and power of such a technology. Network states need to follow the same path: attract missionaries, grow without compromising principles, and build a new political backend for the world.
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Jean Hansen pfp
Jean Hansen
It's quite amazing how @balajis.eth's "go direct" and "distribution with creators" are now the default for most tech leaders. Zuck and Elon are leading the way.
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Jean Hansen pfp
Jean Hansen
when was the last time you received a real personal email? a letter-like email from a friend or relative asking or sharing about life. i know we now use chats/social media, but i kind of miss sitting and writting a well-thought long email/letter for someone, which they would probably keep it as something special.
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Jean Hansen pfp
Jean Hansen
Decentralization is often complex, expensive, and slow, yet it effectively mitigates systemic risks and fragility. However, our brains struggle to perceive these hidden dangers, leading to the slow adoption of decentralized opensource systems. That's why we usually rely on black swan events to remind us of the perils of centralization and fragility. It's more traumatic but tends to be effective. Convenience at the cost of robustness is not worth it.
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Jean Hansen pfp
Jean Hansen
Even though the Internet has connected us globally, we've yet to create the tools and methods for true collective coordination. We're still stuck with the clunky, outdated industrial models, relying on political representatives and elections every four years—hardly agile or responsive. This deficiency becomes obvious during crises, like the pandemic, where the state utterly failed to address the problems. Civil society had to step in, improvising with WhatsApp groups and social networks to organize relief and allocate resources. However these social apps although very helpful are not best suited to coordination. Therefore, In the coming years, expect to see a new wave of social technologies designed for collective coordination. These tools will make it easier to reach consensus, distribute rewards, allocate funds, and collaborate continuously.
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Jean Hansen pfp
Jean Hansen
Sometimes I think browsers could be a lot better. I don't know, better web clipping (tagging pages, adding tags, commenting, etc, instead of simple bookmarking ); integration with social layer (score on links, comments of friends on pages, etc); IA-features like summaries, page suggestions and so on.
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Jean Hansen pfp
Jean Hansen
Is there any successful non-engineer web3 founder? Curious if this is even possible.
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Jean Hansen pfp
Jean Hansen
It's insane we still don't transact money with our friends natively on social media and chats. I hope Farcaster, Base and Crypto finally fix this.
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Jean Hansen pfp
Jean Hansen
Social crypto seems healthier and more sustainable in the long term than DeFi. Thanks to Farcaster for gathering such a great number of builders experimenting with non-over-financialized products.
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Jean Hansen pfp
Jean Hansen
People have been trying to code decentralized systems to ensure freedom and privacy for half a century now. Love to watch and read about cypherpunks origins and their fight against governments to the right of using encryption. We take it for granted.
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Jean Hansen pfp
Jean Hansen
The more foundational, international and abstract an institution is, the more it should be a decentralized protocol.
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Jean Hansen pfp
Jean Hansen
A recurring narrative in crypto is 'improving user experience to onboard the mainstream". I think this is only partially true. We actually need more good products. I'm a crypto native, onboarded to web3 for years, but I still struggle to find great products that solve my day-to-day problems. My view is that regular people will come, even with bad UX, if the product brings them real benefits. NFTs are great, DeFi is awesome, but we need more Farcaster-like products. Once they see value, they will bare the complexity in order to have the benefits.
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Jean Hansen pfp
Jean Hansen
The more I learn about building in web3, the more inevitable network states seem.
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Jean Hansen pfp
Jean Hansen
Tech is still a big blind spot for most political scientists, economists, sociologists, and the humanities in general.
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Jean Hansen pfp
Jean Hansen
The world needs NSs more than never
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Jean Hansen pfp
Jean Hansen
streaks are harder than I thought
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Jean Hansen pfp
Jean Hansen
I'm not trying to pick on anyone here, but I really don't understand the utility of POAPs. It's kind of bureaucratic and permissioned to create. It doesn't actually prove any attendance (I have POAPs from events I didn't attend). What am I missing?
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Jean Hansen pfp
Jean Hansen
Streaks (Farcaster/Duolingo) are recurring tasks to build individual habits. Now we are building PULSEs, recurring tasks to build collective habits aka capacity for collective action. Imagine the members of your community/startup society getting together to perform the same task - liking a post, donating, reading a small document, etc. - and accumulating a "community streak" onchain over time. So you can open a dashboard to benchmark the capacity for collective action between you and other startup societies.
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