🪷 pfp
blocking warpcast.com at the DNS layer to experiment with how sufficiently decentralised Farcaster is
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KMac🍌 ⏩ pfp
KMac🍌 ⏩
Please do report back.
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🪷 pfp
Expectedly, { "error": "\n######################################################################\n\nUnhandledFetchError\n...message: Network request failed\n...name: Farcaster API Error\n...absoluteUrl: https://client.warpcast.com/v2/client-config\n...body: undefined\n...endpointName: getClientConfig
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KMac🍌 ⏩ pfp
KMac🍌 ⏩
"It's ok" https://youtu.be/zrJRcyNRmxI?si=i5cBnrMeClCpDCZL
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