🪷 pfp
gm for the next stream of consciousness on unlonely, we’re trying a new format: welcoming others to read beforehand then discuss a study of the ethical dilemma of responsibility in LLMs. if you’re interested, reach out to @sam or me for a pdf of the study and for logistics https://is.gd/hokuqu
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Branksy Pop  pfp
Branksy Pop
I have some opinions about this, mostly that there are other more urgent ethical issues than those that are lobbied for (copyright and regulation) Like : engine transparency on its biases, "moral" censosrships choices applied, models used and equal right to access to AI for all.
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🪷 pfp
yeah, lots of aspects to consider about our future with LLMs. come hang out with us tomorrow night to share more of your perspective https://warpcast.com/pdr/0x7bcf3f
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Branksy Pop  pfp
Branksy Pop
thanks, It could be interesting to chat, but that's at 3am in Paris time. I'll DM you to stay in the loop , I'm interested in the opinions shared
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