Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Semi-regular Warpcast annoyances thread If you were BDFOWF, what would you have us work on? Ideally it's specific and small-ish, i.e. "add video" is not that useful :) BDFOWF = benevolent dictator for one warpcast feature
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paulx.eth pfp
someone made their own warpcast/farcaster frontend UI -- make it so that *any* non-dev could easily export their social graph and develop their own frontend. rationale: this is supposedly the value prop of web3 social, so lean into that.
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🪷 pfp
Don’t know if this is what you mean by frontend UI, but you might like Arc Boosts 2.0 which allow non-devs to customize websites such as warpcast .com https://twitter.com/darinwf/status/1661751421820362753
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