Paul Dowman pfp

Paul Dowman


315 Following

Paul Dowman pfp
Paul Dowman
but I’d say “The Making of a Manager” and “The Manager’s Path” are more for new managers in a bigger company
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Paul Dowman pfp
Paul Dowman
This is a decent list. I’ve read all except “From Worst to First” and “The Ride of a Lifetime”, and I’d recommend any of them
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Paul Dowman pfp
Paul Dowman
In Canada there’s Shakepay, sort of, not stablecoins though. You can pre-pay a custodied CAD balance from crypto.
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Paul Dowman pfp
Paul Dowman
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Paul Dowman pfp
Paul Dowman
"If Jason and I are not revisiting 10% of the decisions made, we’re not delegating enough, we’re not delegating quickly enough." (Also more on "disagree and commit" since I posted something else about that here recently.)
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Paul Dowman pfp
Paul Dowman
“Coprocessor” usually means compute something off-chain (because on-chain is expensive)
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Paul Dowman pfp
Paul Dowman
The commonality: they all compute something privately (off-chain) and allow a proof to be verified (maybe on-chain). The difference: A zkVM like RISC Zero lets you run arbitrary code. The other 2 let you query historical data.
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Paul Dowman pfp
Paul Dowman
I just noticed there's a /smoothly channel now...
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Paul Dowman pfp
Paul Dowman
It seems to me that the best way to support solo stakers with grants or donations is via Smoothly. The smoothing pool is growing and I think it will become a large proportion of solo stakers.
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Paul Dowman pfp
Paul Dowman
Retired people live on capital gains. And the way things are going, by the time most Canadians retire $250k will be worth so little that it will affect everyone. That’s tax fairness.
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Paul Dowman pfp
Paul Dowman
I like this kind of thinking. But this breaks badly at northern latitudes. Also wreaks havoc on meeting scheduling with other time zones
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Paul Dowman pfp
Paul Dowman
I guess we need a new term for "based rollup" now, previously it was this
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Paul Dowman pfp
Paul Dowman
Feature flags can be turned on and off for specific users, rolled out gradually by increasing percentage, and turned off instantly. It allows testing an unreleased version on real production. Plus it avoids integration problems (merge conflicts etc) with long-lived branches of code.
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Paul Dowman pfp
Paul Dowman
I wouldn't go all the way without solid automated tests (and if at scale you need "canary" deployment too) so staging is still useful in the meantime, but only for testing the main branch before it goes live. For showing a version that's not rolled out I recommend feature flags.
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Paul Dowman pfp
Paul Dowman
Guy gets mugged for his AR-15, gets another gun from his car, shoot-out ensues
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Paul Dowman pfp
Paul Dowman
Maybe a hot take (though it’s standard in “big tech”), but IMHO a dev branch is an anti-pattern, as is any long-lived branch. Going all-in on continuous deployment is the only thing that scales. (Also works well even on small teams and projects, but requires some automated tests and other practices)
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Paul Dowman pfp
Paul Dowman
As a long-time frequent flyer I’m certain beyond any doubt that boarding became slower after they changed to boarding by “zone” instead of by row
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Paul Dowman pfp
Paul Dowman
Try feature flags instead of long lived branches and then you won’t need the branch deployment thing. It sounds counter intuitive but once you really embrace continuous deployment you’ll never go back. The branch deployment thing doesn’t work at scale anyway.
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Paul Dowman pfp
Paul Dowman
Well said, IMHO. What do you think?
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Paul Dowman pfp
Paul Dowman
It’s also a bet on the US regulatory environment
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