Paul Cowgill pfp

Paul Cowgill


684 Following

Paul Cowgill pfp
Paul Cowgill
i love how concise farcasterโ€™s roadmap is: 1. grow with crypto 2. create cozy corners 3. make more legos
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Paul Cowgill pfp
Paul Cowgill
congrats!! very cool. /onceupon is excited to provide the API that powers this feature!
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Paul Cowgill pfp
Paul Cowgill
if I change my location to LA, can I change it back to *no location* after that? or would I be locked into being a location person from now on?
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Paul Cowgill pfp
Paul Cowgill
it will be cool to see what people do with this public *farcon summit pass holders* group going into next week! nft mint allowlists, a convenient way to slide into direct casts, data analysis, more frames using this list, etc.
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Paul Cowgill pfp
Paul Cowgill
when a mint happens via a transaction frame in warpcast, we now show that on once upon. we do this by looking for the calldata suffix 0xfc000023c0. here's an example tx
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Paul Cowgill pfp
Paul Cowgill
a little, big change we made today: new buttons at the upper right of every panel copy link >> share (on farcaster) > follow *share* shows how to use once upon links as frames with a prefilled cast on warpcast
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Paul Cowgill pfp
Paul Cowgill
PSA ๐Ÿ“ฃ we updated our API endpoints from v1 to v2 to make breaking changes. feel free to DC me with any questions. in most cases, changing from v1 to v2 should "just work". we will not be supporting v1 other than our frames endpoints that return html, which support both v1 and v2.
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Paul Cowgill pfp
Paul Cowgill
$DEGEN chain, now live on once upon!
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Paul Cowgill pfp
Paul Cowgill
with the new mobile design, itโ€™s weird that the reaction count has no visual connection to the reaction button.
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Paul Cowgill pfp
Paul Cowgill
new demo live! COPY TRANSACTION FRAME ๐Ÿ‘ฏ i used a transaction frame to gift @cdt some farcaster storage in this transaction. think it's a nice idea and want to copy the transaction yourself? just press the "copy" button.
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Paul Cowgill pfp
Paul Cowgill
little big feature! game changer for sharing frames with a story behind them.
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Paul Cowgill pfp
Paul Cowgill
thereโ€™s a nice tx confirmation experience at the end ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
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Paul Cowgill pfp
Paul Cowgill
when a slack huddle is ending, i wish slack would make the last person in the huddle leave automatically by default. sometimes i accidentally stay in huddles way too long.
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Paul Cowgill pfp
Paul Cowgill
we love the blobs too cheaper transactions ๐Ÿ”œ
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Paul Cowgill pfp
Paul Cowgill
see you all at the farcaster meetup tonight! dc me if you want to chat ๐Ÿ“ฅ
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Paul Cowgill pfp
Paul Cowgill
on mobile, horizontal scrolling was broken. the new mobile experience shows one panel at a time. it's much smoother now - try it out and let us know what you think!
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Paul Cowgill pfp
Paul Cowgill
this week, iโ€™m not sharing things *because* theyโ€™re frames anymore. iโ€™m sharing them because I want to share the messages themselves, and they happen to be frames, because of course they should be frames.
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Paul Cowgill pfp
Paul Cowgill
nft images on /onceupon just got a fresh new look!
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Paul Cowgill pfp
Paul Cowgill
that feeling when you have a lot of traffic all of a sudden, which is great. but itโ€™s all direct so you donโ€™t know *why*. some magical group chat? which one? on which app?
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Paul Cowgill pfp
Paul Cowgill
dear farcon, i really want to go to you. sincerely, paul
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