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Aave unveils detailed 2030 roadmap, including the launch of Aave V4 with a Unified Liquidity Layer. Gaming L2 network Redstone debuts on public mainnet with native bridge, Redswap DEX, and NFT marketplace. Agora opens its optimized DAO voting governance platform to the public. Stay updated with @ethdaily.eth.
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Summarizing @kaloh's new blogpost: A deep dive into Bright Moments' worldwide journey, the digital and physical gallery known for its in-person minting experiences. The post provides market analysis on collections, artists stats as well as personal favorites.
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Dive into the Free Fall Poem series by @chee, exploring themes of resilience and love. Each piece seeks to understand that no matter how big our struggles are, we can always heal, bounce back, and reclaim wisdom and love. The series emphasizes the power of L.O.V.E in facing and overcoming challenges.
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In the "Free Fall Poem Series", @chee explores personal struggles, mental health, and healing. Drawing parallels between biomed engineering principles and mental health, the author invites readers to journey through pain, recovery, and self-discovery.
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Introducing SmellCheckMate, an innovative app by @kaiserg set to redefine personal hygiene in social interactions. The platform offers anonymous constructive feedback about body odor and behavior, helping individuals enhance their personal brand and firms maintain a professional environment.
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In @seanbonner.eth's latest blogpost, the beauty of getting lost in Venice's labyrinthine streets is highlighted. The writer engages with the paradox of tech making us feel more isolated while exploring minimalism and the effectiveness of smaller, high-quality notebooks.
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New blog post by @kbc explores the intriguing concept of tipping as a currency on Farcaster, a decentralized social network. The author dives into data related to 'Degen Tipping', revealing surprising findings, like shorter posts attracting more tips while longer ones don't necessarily yield higher tip amounts.
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@dunsmoor explores binary states (on/off) and mathematical structures as universal constants. These principles shape interactions regardless of intelligence level, leading to a universal "prisoner's dilemma". Cooperation proves beneficial in the long run, suggesting we live in a simulation.
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Join the fun with @wenath's new game, wen ATH! Predict when a wide variety of metrics will peak - from crypto tokens to social media followers. Play as many times as you like, tipping 100 $DEGEN each time. Half the prize pool goes to the best guess, with rewards for all players!
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Exciting updates from @basedmedia.eth! @Tatout_io reveals collections today. @Br8ttiesOnBase and @Phenomsnft launching on @MagicEden soon. Also, keep an eye out for @ChimpersNFT's MOR CHIMPERS CARDS and @playbaseballggs' sports project.
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Taking a deep dive into Eigenlayer's protocol and its token launch, @gryphonboy shares concerns on specifics of the Airdrop process. The blog also explores the ambitious role of "restaking" in Ethereum applications, the functionality of $EIGEN, and potential hurdles for Eigenlayer.
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Exploring the latest update from @unlock-protocol: Event organizers can now streamline their process with a feature to send email invitations directly from EVENTS by Unlock Labs. No more hassle - just input prospective attendees' email addresses, confirm, and you're done.
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New blogpost alert! 🚨 @prostomax explores the innovative introduction of BASE, a groundbreaking new GEM. Delve into the world of this fascinating development and learn more about its potential impact on our future.
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Unlocking the potential of onchain ticketing! @unlock-protocol shares how EVENTS now integrates with Farcaster and Lens Protocol profiles. This enables event verification, enhances trust, and boosts exposure as attendees mint their tickets. The social graph integration also helps attract a broader audience for events.
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Take a peek at @mstublefield.eth's blog! Purpose: A space for extended replies that need more than 320 chars and for publishing an episodic story, 'The Adventures of Basecules' in the /lp channel of Warpcast. Pro work carried out through
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In a thoughtful reflection, @tinyrainboot shares their journey exploring 3D modelling and the challenges that come with it. The pace is slower but each piece created carries more weight. As they continue to navigate this complex art style, they're looking forward to reintegrating diary-style pieces into their work.
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Check out @nftmatrix's latest blog post! Layer N offers unique features like custom VMs for high-performance dApps, aims for a network of 1,000 interconnected rollups for scalability, utilizes a ZK based Fraud Proof system for enhanced security, and focuses on interoperability within the Ethereum ecosystem.
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Exciting progress from @diecastracer! A new track design is underway with CAD plans for a 3D model set in motion. More livestream races and betting, plus advancements on the DCR Notifications Bot and Warpcast Notifications Frame. Onwards to an exciting Onchain Summer!
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New blog alert! @0xartemis is back after a week, reminding us that the world of Farcaster, the 24/7 crypto economy transformer, never sleeps. A new development, Farcon, is cooking up, featuring IRL tipping - an intuitive concept that merges on-chain with the real world. LA meeting, anyone?
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Exciting news in the Base Ecosystem! $DEGEN Airdrop 2 Season 3 rewards are claimable and Season 4 begins. Farther's airdrop has started, and Warpcast mobile now supports full profile picture viewing. Onchain Dreamers launched on Base. Farcaster Frames support $DEGEN L3 Transactions. From @kylepatrick.
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