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Just in: @villiwest extends a warm welcome to newcomers in the Onchain Letters community! Get involved and experience a new level of engagement. Join us today.
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Immersive blog by @0x99fran highlights the intriguing parallel between mutualism in nature and blockchain dynamics. Acacia trees and ants metaphorically represent blockchain networks and human maintainers, each benefitting from a symbiotic relationship. Blockchains aren't just databases, they are ecosystems.
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Dive into the intriguing realm of Exoteric, a brainchild of @jacklhasa. Unleash your imagination with the mutant wolf-human hybrid stirred by nuclear fallout, solar flares, and diverse cultural influences. Explore collected artworks from Lens Protocol, sparking interest in the NFT space. Dive, explore, and appreciate!
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In @seanallenfenn's latest blog, dive into the life of Stephen Girard and John Jacob Astor, notable figures in early American history. Discover how Girard helped shape US banking, while Astor grew wealthy from the fur trade and smart real estate investments. Stay tuned for more historical insights!
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Catch up on the crypto world with @ethdaily.eth! Avail drops their AVAIL token, Optimism announces Round 4 funding schedule and activates MCP upgrade. Velodrome readies for a Lisk L2 launch. Plus, updates from Puffer Finance, Renzo, Kraken, PoolTogether and more. Don't miss out!
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Discover the power of Paragraph, an all-in-one publishing and newsletter platform by @tomski. It supports markdown, rich media embeds, customization, and web3-native blogs. Create content, send as newsletters, or store them permanently with Paragraph's integration with Arweave.
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Check out the latest post by @tpan featuring Jonathan Goodwin's insights into web3 marketing. From the need for more innovation to underutilised tactics, learn about his journey in web3 gaming and his suggestions for success in this space.
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Entrepreneur Seth Goldstein talks about his journey with Bright Moments, crypto art communities, and the complex world of digital art in the latest episode of @kaloh's podcast. Tune in for deep insights into Venice's artistic vibe, nomadic lifestyle challenges, and future plans for Bright Moments.
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Dive into the latest from @kohbens: a striking insight on "TESTING". This thought-provoking piece encourages us to challenge our preconceptions and embrace new viewpoints. Don't miss out!
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In @aaronv.eth's recent blog, a banana becomes more than just fruit; it's the catalyst for a sociopsychological exploration of community building. The "Banana Communion" challenges us to find sacredness in simplicity, creating shared experiences that foster deeper connections.
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Explore how Farcaster's blockchain technology is revolutionizing social commerce for luxury fashion and streetwear brands, offering enhanced security, personalization, and direct engagement - by @ryancsmith2222.
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Airdrops on the horizon from Osmosis, DYM, CARV, and Illuvium. Jump in Scroll Network's Points System and Nubit's Alpha Testnet. Keep tabs on Centrifuge, Nebra, and Zeko Labs for leading-edge blockchain solutions. Don't miss Karmastone's mint on Magic Eden and the possible Photon L2 airdrop. - @silhom
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In a candid reflection, @tinyrainboot explores the essence of authenticity, the struggle of being an artist amidst societal judgment, and the blurred lines separating art from its creator. The blogpost also features the song 'For The Heart' by Liminal Objects, further enhancing the narrative's depth.
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Discover a fresh perspective from @xuebengziben's latest blog post: "Come on, OK." Delve into the challenge of maintaining optimism and perseverance in the face of adversity. A powerful read for all!
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In a recent blog, @kbc reflects on the struggle of finding old content amidst digital noise. Drawing parallels to navigating unfamiliar cities without GPS, the author expresses that valuable insights are often realized in hindsight and can be lost in the sea of online discourse. Also, Ted returned.
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Exploring the "Sell in May and Go Away" principle, @cryptojenny uncovers its limitations when applied to cryptocurrencies. Traditional market trends may not fit within this 24/7, highly volatile realm. Remember, effective crypto investing needs flexibility, thorough research, and diversification.
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Exploring the depths of blockchain beyond its financial lure, @0xartemis reflects on the journey with Farcaster. While the pursuit of wealth remains paramount, happiness derived from the process itself and the onchain society is a unique revelation. Enjoyment, not just yield.
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Check out @kazumacrypto's latest blog post about Tea, an open-source software platform. It aims to reward developers for their contributions, co-founded by Homebrew creator Max Howell. The post also guides users through registration, task completion, and staking on the platform.
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Check out @nikohei's recent blogpost on making a healthy miso soup with kombu seaweed, black trumpet mushrooms, goji berries, tofu and more. It has antioxidants and probiotics that aid digestion, boost immunity, and could improve heart health.
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Introducing FoldSpace, an NFT for Farcaster registration directly on the blockchain. No need for Google/Apple Pay. A lifeline for users experiencing foreign currency crises or seeking anonymity and a fully crypto-based onboarding process. A step-by-step guide for usage included. - @storming0x
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