Jacek 🎩 pfp
Jacek 🎩
Can someone explain this tweet to me? I'm not sure of the message being conveyed. I've always thought Friendtech's idea was powerful and that it jump-started something cool in the social space. It's an honor to be on the radar, regardless of the tweet's meaning.
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Ox.crypto🌈🍖🎩 pfp
Omg the drama. The purple app/degen is soo big that they want their community to care about FT lol. Imagine how desperate they are tweeting just to get the attention of the degen community. Haa blah blah don't mind them brotha. Here's my lil bro salute, brotha Jacek🫡
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Ox.crypto🌈🍖🎩 pfp
*Big bro
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