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Outposts pfp
πŸ‘· Our frames were broken for a while, all fixed now Also, this might be the last frame before a little upgrade πŸ‘€ https://frames.outposts.io/api?date=05/03/2024
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Outposts pfp
So many new members, we actually ran out of unique explorers. Things are back to normal, so if you struggled to mint before, go ahead and try again now. Thank you to everyone for joining and referring your friends ❀️ Already over 16 000 explorers and counting! https://warpcast.com/outposts.eth/0xe076bf80
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Outposts pfp
πŸ€— Referring friends just got easier! πŸ€— Generate your unique link and share it with your friends. Invite links can refer 3 new users, and new links can be generated once a day. We check for spam πŸ˜‰ The Invite NFT system is still the best way to send a guaranteed invitation to a wallet address.
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Outposts pfp
We've rocketed past 15,000 explorers! We've been hard at work making your digests the best they can be. Keep your eye out for all sorts of new features and visual changes in the coming weeks! If you haven't yet, create your digest today: https://outposts.io/
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Outposts pfp
Having an awesome week for outposts, super good feedback from readers and a surge of new signups πŸš€ Read your digest frame to find out what's happening in your communities πŸ”­ https://frames.outposts.io/api?date=04/26/2024
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Outposts pfp
Welcome @earndrop to Outposts! πŸ’Œ Outposts keeps you up to speed with updates from your favourite communities. When you sign up, if you are connected to the Earndrop guild on Guild.xyz you'll automatically get weekly airdrop updates in your digest! Follow Earndrop: https://outposts.io/explore/earndrop
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Outposts pfp
🌟Introducing Lightyears Points🌟 We just launched our loyalty program powered by @stackdotso. We started tracking points at the beginning of April and plan on rewarding top explorers in the leaderboard. πŸ”­ Check Your Current Rank in the Cosmos: https://www.stack.so/leaderboard/outposts-lightyears-1
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Outposts pfp
Highlighting communities is what we do. Imagine our surprise to find ourselves under the spotlight. This post highlights how we’re leveraging the @zerion.eth API to deliver you your tailored experience. We invite you to check it out: https://zerion.io/blog/outposts-zerion-api-case-study/
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Outposts pfp
1k followers on the /outposts channel! Big stuff to come!!!! We ❀️ farcaster
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Outposts pfp
Read today's digest and get rewarded loyalty points 🫡 More info later this week! https://frames.outposts.io/api?date=04/16/2024
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Outposts pfp
1 digest read = 1k lightyears πŸ›°οΈπŸ”œ https://frames.outposts.io/api?date=04/09/2024
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Outposts pfp
It might not look different, but there may be some lightyear points lurking in here. Exciting stuff coming soon for dedicated explorers. https://frames.outposts.io/api?date=04/05/2024
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Outposts pfp
How many lightyears have you travelled explorer?
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Outposts pfp
Has April Fools messed up your digest? πŸ‘€ https://frames.outposts.io/api?date=04/02/2024
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Outposts pfp
I just got roasted. Click the frame to get your wallet roasted.
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Outposts pfp
New models are live - is you personal web3 news more readable now? https://frames.outposts.io/api?date=03/29/2024
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Outposts pfp
We just migrated our frame to frog! let us know if it's smoother https://frames.outposts.io/api?date=03/26/2024
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Outposts pfp
Any communities you want to see in your digest that aren't there??? https://frames.outposts.io/?date=3/19/2024
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Outposts pfp
Slightly tangential but would love your opinion on our AI curation of personalised web3 community updates @df (we have a frame built on framesjs too) https://warpcast.com/outposts.eth/0x122a947a
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