BaseDaddy🍖😋 pfp



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BaseDaddy🍖😋 pfp
Day 9: Mark’s friends laughed off his fears, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that he was being followed
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BaseDaddy🍖😋 pfp
Bidding farewell to banana 🍌
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BaseDaddy🍖😋 pfp
Day 8: Each article told of a different encounter, but the details were chillingly similar.
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BaseDaddy🍖😋 pfp
We're currently in internal testing ... I just won 130 $DEGEN in Gate of Degen! @degengate
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BaseDaddy🍖😋 pfp
Day7: Desperate for answers, Mark delved into the town’s history, uncovering old newspaper clippings about the masked man.🎭
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BaseDaddy🍖😋 pfp
We're heading towards the Banana Zone hope your seat belts are on🍌
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BaseDaddy🍖😋 pfp
Seems banana's tapped to walls are the easiest ways to make a 100k😂😂
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BaseDaddy🍖😋 pfp
A fun fact about bananas is that they are naturally slightly radioactive.☢️ This is because they contain potassium, and a small portion of potassium is a radioactive isotope called potassium-40. However, the amount of radiation is extremely low and harmless to humans🙋
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BaseDaddy🍖😋 pfp
Day 6: The masked man stood still staring at mark, a silent sentinel in the darkness, before disappearing into the night,mark hastily ran off.
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BaseDaddy🍖😋 pfp
Good morning Guys😁 Have a nice and wonderful banana filled day🍌✨ Who can tell me what show this popular banana character is from🤔 While you're at it what's your favorite banana character from any show🍌📺
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BaseDaddy🍖😋 pfp
I hope everyone is pleased with their mask allocations😁🎭 I'm excited to see how we can leverage this opportunity together. Can't wait to get started with tipping mask and make great strides ahead💪
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BaseDaddy🍖😋 pfp
Day 5: Mark stopped abruptly, heart pounding, as he saw a figure in the distance, face obscured by a mask.
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BaseDaddy🍖😋 pfp
Happy Sunday Guys😁🎭 Sunday masks,often referring to religious face coverings used during worship services or rituals, play a significant role in various religious traditions. These masks can symbolize numerous aspects of faith, spirituality, and cultural heritage. Here's an overview of how Sunday masks indicate religion This post is not about mask🎭
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BaseDaddy🍖😋 pfp
Day 4 : The moon cast eerie shadows as Mark walked home, the feeling of being watched growing stronger with each step.
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BaseDaddy🍖😋 pfp
Masks metaphorically represent hidden intentions. They can conceal selfishness or betrayal behind façades of kindness or loyalty. These disguises can blind others to the true nature beneath, reminding us to look beyond appearances and question authenticity. This post is not about masks.🎭
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BaseDaddy🍖😋 pfp
Can y'all categorize the kind types of mask posts we have.🤔🎭 And of course also the sub-Categories.♻️ Could say my best would be horror-mask content basically Halloween or scary themed.👻🎭 Least would be content be about pandemics, Corona-virus to be specific😷
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BaseDaddy🍖😋 pfp
Find out what kind of 👷 JustBuilder you are /justbuild Frame by @harios
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BaseDaddy🍖😋 pfp
As a child I'd always make a paper mask cause I thought it looked cool and also the fact of it having the ability to conceal your appearance felt appealing to me😌 But I'd always be branded as a terrorist look alike by my mom😂🎭 Those were the days😅
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BaseDaddy🍖😋 pfp
Day 3 : For years, the townsfolk dismissed the stories as mere legend, until the night young Sarah vanished.
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BaseDaddy🍖😋 pfp
Day 2: They say he appears only at night, his mask a ghostly white, eyes hollow and haunting.👻🎭
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