Origami pfp



94 Following

Origami pfp
We just rolled out a major DAO proposal upgrade. It’s: Gassless On Chain Customizable And gorgeous You should see screenshots: https://www.joinorigami.com/library/voting-proposal
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Origami pfp
Farcaster doesn't have to do much to win. We had over 1k participants in our Twitter Space when it crashed and locked them out. Twitter keeps breaking. All Farcaster has to do is simply work. https://i.imgur.com/pMBOwPE.jpg
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Origami pfp
Think small. - Micro-influencers > big brands - Telegram groups > discord - Parties > conferences - 1:1 relationships > fans Do the things that don’t scale
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Origami pfp
Origami passed 50,000 Collab.Land DAO Pass holders! https://i.imgur.com/qluY3Dh.jpg
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Origami pfp
I (Andrew, who runs this account) stopped running regularly after moving to Texas. Too hot. Then, on Farcaster, I found @Blobs. Like the rest of the Farcaster community, Blob’s founder, @goki, kept supporting me. After much work, I ran again & reached the TOP of Blob’s challenge! https://i.imgur.com/3nNxkg4.jpg
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Origami pfp
Let’s post our favorite photos from ETH Denver. Here’s mine. The moment Ben & Don realized there’s no way all those people could fit into the @orangedao party https://i.imgur.com/SyxYuzs.jpg
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Origami pfp
@ccarella.eth taught the DAODenver crowd about Farcaster https://i.imgur.com/vU8vzXy.jpg
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Origami pfp
If you’re in Denver, Orange DAO & Origami’s founder will be speaking at DAODenver. Come say hi at 4pm local time. 1881 35th Street, Denver, CO 80216
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Origami pfp
Today is a big day for DAOs. Collab•Land is opening its new DAO to 2 million people. The Origami & Collab•Land teams worked tirelessly to put this DAO together. COLLAB token claims begin at 6pm Mountain Time only on wagmi.collab.land
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Origami pfp
@dwr.eth the transition away from Farcaster on my mac was weird. It would have helped to have some kind of message saying I could trust the app with the new name.
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Origami pfp
Venture DAOs are a better source of funding than traditional investors. They have bigger teams, so they 1) find hidden gems & 2) bring an army of supporters to backed projects We wrote about the top venture DAOs…how they work…how to raise from them. https://www.joinorigami.com/library/venture-dao
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Origami pfp
Great response to this chart on Moment of Zen by @antonio https://youtube.com/shorts/3BhuEX5GomY?feature=share https://i.imgur.com/GsdrzIa.jpg
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Origami pfp
Always good to see. https://i.imgur.com/dGtzb0M.png
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Origami pfp
Big takeaways in today's Farcaster Twitter Space, but Twitter's recording broke. If you were there, how about adding some of your takeaways? 👇 I'll go first.
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Origami pfp
@wutwut Thanks for being in the Space today!
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Origami pfp
Live now with @dwr.eth Join here: https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1yoKMZDjbYwGQ
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Origami pfp
I am verifying my farcaster username @Origami for discove.xyz 7aa0797f-184f-46c8-a1ef-b503e212c783
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Origami pfp
@macbudkowski I DM'd you on Twitter, as you asked.
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Origami pfp
I'm co-hosting a Twitter Space about Farcaster tomorrow. @dwr.eth is one of the speakers. LMK if you want to speak, too. (And share, if you're feeling it.) https://twitter.com/jointheorigami/status/1622645238077456409
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Origami pfp
@blobs I got my run in. https://i.imgur.com/ALgj5Lk.jpg
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