Samus pfp



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Samus pfp
My thoughts on issuance reduction: To target < 100% staked ETH you assume: - There is some yield โ€œx%โ€ where the market finds it irrational to take on the risks/opportunity costs of even delegating to someone else to stake - Issuance curve is chosen such that we cross below x% before we get to 100% staked ETH
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Samus pfp
๐Ÿ“ข Tokenomics decision is imminent, read the proposal and vote ๐Ÿ“ข If you would like to suggest changes to our proposal or you have an alternative proposal now is the time to speak up!
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Samus pfp
Rocket Pool is undergoing work on changing the tokenomics of the protocol entirely.ย  Jasper asked the question of what stops you from being a rocket pool node operator here:ย Feedback can help Rocket Pool prioritize the right changes in the next upgrades :)
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Samus pfp
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Samus pfp
New tokenomics proposal: - Pure RPL staking (no Node Operation)? - Eth Only Node Operators? - Credit Collateral to assist in compounding rewards and protect rETH / assist with EigenLayer integrations? Find out more:
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Samus pfp
Hi @dwr.eth I had a feature request/suggestion. Could Warpcast create a tab or home page option to just show casts from people you follow (match a similar experience to Twitterโ€™s main โ€œfollowingโ€ tab)? Or at least make a โ€œchannelโ€ button called โ€œfollowingโ€ to only show casts from people you follow?
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