Vectorized pfp



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Vectorized pfp
What they don’t tell you is that they all FSHed their Solana AI coin bags into Trump. I have trust issues now.
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Vectorized pfp
TransactionExpiredTimeoutError: Transaction was not confirmed in 30.00 seconds. It is unknown if it succeeded or failed. Only possible on Solana.
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Vectorized pfp
What’s on my plate: Azuki Clusters Ithaca Solady Audit responses Napier I need to clone myself.
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Vectorized pfp
Just wrote a very simple Solana account for claiming SPL tokens with an secp256k1 signature. Nearly died. What can be done under 5 minutes and 73 lines in very readable Solidity has been bloated to 300+ lines of Rust Anchor code that took more than 20 hours. I’m not even sure if it’s correct without spending weeks to write tests. In Solidity, Signatures / Merkle Trees are considered beginner stuff. In Anchor, Signatures / Merkle Tress are considered advanced stuff. And the compilation times… fuck. It’s 10x slower than —via-ir on even the most hardcore Solidity codebases. This makes me understand why they are mostly pushing UX and relabeled memecoins.
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Vectorized pfp
I think we should have a website or GitHub where we source pointers to explain why Ethereum is the best ecosystem. Core devs, app devs, power users can all pitch in.
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Vectorized pfp
This is a motivation message to myself. Why Ethereum? It’s a fight for a better world. The critics, the VCs with bags, the finance bros, the smooth talking macro-analysts, the mercenary opportunistic capital, they look down on us. They say we don’t build for the users. They say we overfocus on infra and not apps. They say we are not money. They say we will get flipped. Fuck these yappers. Fuck their psyops. Fuck their price talk. Fuck all these useless leeches who are only here to extract, with thinly veiled excuses like “build for the users”. More like build casinos to extract more to pump their bags! I don’t want a world where such people win. I don’t want a world ruled by a small powerful group of selfish extractive hypocrites masquerading as “for the people”. For this, I will build for Ethereum. I will build with ferocity, pragmatism, discipline, and an undying will. I will build for and with those who have believed in me. Let’s build.
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Vectorized pfp
I do think we actually lack infra to make certain types of apps.
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Vectorized pfp
Ethereum’s fight is the fight between engineers vs MBA/business/management types. Not all people in the latter group are bad tho. We simply have too many of the latter being given too much influence in this world.
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Vectorized pfp
I am at peace with other non-EVM chains by default. But if they ever come and FUD EVM, they become my enemy.
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Vectorized pfp
DN404 might be only possible on EVM and AptosVM. EVM: spec based token standards allow for inline-assembly wizardry to do the automatic NFT magic. AptosVM: dynamic dispatch on their canonical fungible asset implementation allows for automatic NFT magic.
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Vectorized pfp
DeSci is an altruistic ideal turned into a grifting mechanism by the unaligned chain. A vampire attack funded by their foundation.
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Vectorized pfp
When memes pump on any Ethereum L2, or aligned sidechain, I fully support them, even tho I don’t have a bag.
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Vectorized pfp
Came to Warpсast to have a breather. Then I saw a Base58 address shill 🤮🤢
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Vectorized pfp
Might have pissed off some by praising Trump’s Together video. I studied both sides to learn about USA (as an outsider). Both sides had good intentions, but Trump was better in message delivery, imo. Also learned that the Republicans do actually support exceptions for abortion. Rational and nuanced.
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Vectorized pfp
If Solana is EVM, things will be so much better. Neon isn’t cutting it. It must have complete equivalence (block.difficulty, prevrandao) and the same ecosystem/liquidity. Or bust. Sometimes I think the choice of AltVMs is just to add friction for moat.
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Vectorized pfp
It’s expected that there will be more accelerator-style (low funding, high extraction) crypto startups to come. If you are a builder, think about what kinds of stuff you can build that isn’t possible in 10 weeks. When r-strategists over-proliferate, pivot to K-strategy.
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Vectorized pfp
EVM needs a mechanism that makes all L2s into ultimate memecoin casinos that benefit patient hodlers over trading bots. This can’t be achieved with bytecode alone, changes have to be made to the L2 core layer. This is the thesis behind RIP-7767.
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Vectorized pfp
You know your post is a banger when this guy comments on it.
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Vectorized pfp
EOF will actually make contracts more bloated and less performant. It’s crafted pre-solady, when many inline-assembly idioms have not yet been developed. A hand golfed legacy contract will most likely beat a hand golfed EOF contract in all aspects. I consider this only a nerd snipe that doesn’t impact much.
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Vectorized pfp
Every time some team migrate from Base to the unaligned chain, I feel even more motivation to build harder for Ethereum.
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