Siobhan pfp



19 Following

Siobhan pfp
Oh my days! So so many congratulations. You’re positively glowing. Enjoy falling in love.
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Siobhan pfp
I’ve been thinking of you all day. Holding you in my thoughts today as you meet your baby and fall in love.
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Siobhan pfp
Aww love it!! Glowing mama!
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Siobhan pfp
Yummms that sounds so good.
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Siobhan pfp
Quinoa bowls sound lovely…off to Google. Thank you! 80 $degen for being so kind as to reply.
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Siobhan pfp
Goodness, thank you so much!
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Siobhan pfp
Happy Monday to you. This w/end was a gardening & family one for us too. Monday vibes are Mondaying so this little home educating family is going to stick to stories & lego for the day instead.
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Siobhan pfp
Aww thank you!! Been thinking of you today, I hope you’re feeling more calm and confident in yourself. Big hugs.
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Siobhan pfp
Also, Postpartum prep is everything…make sure you have everyone rallied around you to serve YOUR needs so you can heal well & free from guilt. You’re incredible & you’ve totally got this. Not long until you meet your little person!
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Siobhan pfp
I’m a doula & have had clients CS. Your medical team will be wonderful. Ask all the questions you want/need & advocate for anything that helps you feel calm & safe. Take some comforts into hospital…things that smell like home make a big difference to oxytocin levels.
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Siobhan pfp
You have vending machines in your schools? I had no idea that was a thing 😱
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Siobhan pfp
Love this. I home educate our 3 kids. The boredom moments are when I often see magic happening. We prioritise tinkering, play & autonomy, all of which require space & time to evolve.
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Siobhan pfp
Voted and despite there being so few females so far, it’s nice to see so many in the comments.
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Siobhan pfp
You’re so welcome. Sending a hug one mama to another. Also 82 $degen.
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Siobhan pfp
Hi fellow vegans. Looking for some yummy cooked savoury healthy breakfast dishes (not vegan fry ups). Can anyone share their recommendations?
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Siobhan pfp
My 4yo was born defiant. He’s the youngest of 3 so most of his defiance is directed at his siblings. However, when my older kids were 4 I found it the most challenging age. Stay strong, you’re building a change maker.
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Siobhan pfp
Oh gosh, thank you, that’s so kind 🙏🏻
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Siobhan pfp
Wishing you all the best for your mat leave. May the intense & challenging moments be few & fleeting & the blissful moments be many & joyful.
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Siobhan pfp
Eloquent and wise. However, I’m out-hustled by your 4yo on the daily.
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Siobhan pfp
Supe in Penang, Malaysia. Vegan sushi restaurant and utterly delicious!
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