↑Dom pfp



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↑Dom pfp
It’s funny how the bedrock of crypto is that the things inside your wallet are truly yours, yet every crypto startup bends over backwards to get things out of your wallet and into their smart contracts.
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↑Dom pfp
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↑Dom pfp
Porta via
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↑Dom pfp
Nobody likes the guy who talks too much IRL, but for some reason on social apps more = better is sacrosanct
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↑Dom pfp
gm. https://zora.co/collect/base:0xd5ef67bf7bdbd003c2bd5f7b6f8c171214b4447c/21
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↑Dom pfp
Where I’m mintin’ & castin’ from this month, when the WiFi works.
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↑Dom pfp
Grateful to be spending the month in Tuscany making my first piece in stone.
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↑Dom pfp
Have found this true very much so in the art/design communities I’m a part of. Even mentioning it will usually change the tone of the conversation for the worse.
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↑Dom pfp
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↑Dom pfp
https://www.instagram.com/p/C8NCae9xEll/?igsh=MW9oNW93amRpeWJldg== The time is right for something new.
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↑Dom pfp
Who went to the Venice Biennale this year? Going in a few weeks, recs and must-sees greatly appreciated.
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↑Dom pfp
We do this one yet? https://zora.co/collect/base:0xd5ef67bf7bdbd003c2bd5f7b6f8c171214b4447c/20
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↑Dom pfp
Did a little onchain shopping today and picked up a floor @mmerch hoodie that definitely didn't belong on the floor. Feels like 1/1/x encourages you consider each piece on its own merits in a way that's not possible with mass-produced collections.
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↑Dom pfp
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↑Dom pfp
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↑Dom pfp
Find your hypotenuse and go higher.
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↑Dom pfp
Back to meme-ing in the trenches, but nerdier this time
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↑Dom pfp
so esoteric yet so accurate
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↑Dom pfp
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↑Dom pfp
Ran from a massive wild boar in a remote town in Italy today. Sprained my ankle. Biggest pig I’ve ever seen.
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