Kyle Mathews pfp
Kyle Mathews
it'd be funny if we're all using Windows again in a few years — I switched to Linux back in mid 2000s and then Macs in 2010s and never felt any Windows pull — but could be changing. LLMs work best in integrated workflows which Microsoft excels at.
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Om Malik pfp
Om Malik
Always remember - Microsoft is very good at “overselling” its features. It is why Azure still is behind the curve and doesn’t really scale. Or it has to pay to get usage — OpenAI investment dollars are going back to Azure. Whatever you do, don’t fall for the hype. Sadly Ben Thompson has.
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Om Malik pfp
Om Malik
In summary: I think Microsoft’s transformation appears closer than objects in the real view mirror.
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Kyle Mathews pfp
Kyle Mathews
oh absolutely — this seems like more an announcement of intent than any substantial release from my quick scan. What's remarkable to me is it's an interesting intent which is more than they've managed in 15+ years
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