olly wilson pfp

olly wilson


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olly wilson pfp
olly wilson
The L2s are dominating NFT activity right now. Nearly half of the top 10 collections by volume for the past 30d were on Base or Blast: 1. Apollo Program (Blast) 6. Higher Swatches (Base) 8. Plutocrats (Blast) 9. BOSS (Blast) As with other parts of crypto, users are voting with their feet in favor of low cost and ease of use.
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olly wilson pfp
olly wilson
Engineers at early stage startups should double as customer success why? because understanding the user firsthand is the only way to build products that truly matter. the best code comes from a deep understanding of user needs. without that, you're just guessing - and early stage startups can't afford that
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olly wilson pfp
olly wilson
To begin with, we're releasing our new Native Token Balances by Wallet(s) endpoint: https://docs.simplehash.com/reference/native-token-balances-by-wallets, which supports all the same chains as our other endpoints, including Bitcoin, Solana, the main EVMs (including Ethereum), Tezos, and Flow:
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olly wilson pfp
olly wilson
Native token balances - now live on SimpleHash! (native tokens are the base token of a given blockchain (how much actual BTC in a certain wallet hold, how much ETH, how much SOL etc)
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olly wilson pfp
olly wilson
And there’s no substitute for practical experience. Many people in “steady and sure” career paths would be better served being less risk averse and just taking the leap. The skills you gained in talking to customers will serve you but also much of what you've been trained to do is worthless at a startup
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olly wilson pfp
olly wilson
You need to unlearn the following: - Powerpoint slides as the work product - Process for its own sake - Caring about office politics But you should keep the following: - Customer/Client obsession - "Walking the halls" - Project management (useful for B2B sales)
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olly wilson pfp
olly wilson
I spent 5 years at McKinsey before startups and I often get asked for advice by consultants considering startups. here's what i say: (this is more for seed/series a/founding):
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olly wilson pfp
olly wilson
This is what I see missed most frequently, because it’s the least fun part (but also most important). Do these and you’ll be ahead of 99% of people. What did I miss?
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olly wilson pfp
olly wilson
6/ Follow Ups (this is what most miss) Don’t let all the contacts and conversations you’ve had go stale. People are busy, and get distracted. In the week after the conference, you should be spending almost as much time as you did at the conference following up, getting those calls booked, or agreeing on next steps
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olly wilson pfp
olly wilson
5/ Be A Normal Person People hate when an interaction feels transactional. Go into each event with the goal of providing more value that you receive. It’ll be a huge unlock. Surprisingly this is missed a lot at crypto conferences. (Hint: this is a good rule for life too).
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olly wilson pfp
olly wilson
4/ Tag Team There’s usually too many events to hit up alone. So split the workload across a team. Conferences aren’t for everyone either - for us, it’s usually myself and @skittles dividing and conquering.
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olly wilson pfp
olly wilson
Most conferences have formal or informal lists of side events ahead of time. Don’t just blindly sign up for everything, think about your objectives. Will each event actually be a chance for you to meet the right people? But be careful not to overplan either - leave some room for serendipity.
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olly wilson pfp
olly wilson
3/ Plan Your Conference. Most of the time (with some exceptions like EthDenver and Token2049), the main conference events are not where you’ll find anything relevant. It’s all about the side events - which are usually more fun anyway.
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olly wilson pfp
olly wilson
2/ Define Your Objectives. Maybe you’re looking to fundraise, or to time the conference with a major launch. For us, it’s all about meeting new and interesting builders in the space, and connecting with customers. Having a clear goal is critical to avoid wasting time.
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olly wilson pfp
olly wilson
1/ Be Super Selective It pays to be selective. To a first approximation, go to where there’s the highest developer density, within the context of what you’re building. For us at SimpleHash, that means 4-5 per year, namely EthDenver, EthCC, NFT NYC, Solana Breakpoint, and Token2049.
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olly wilson pfp
olly wilson
How to make crypto conferences useful There’s a joke that one of the main use cases of crypto is conferences - you could literally go to a different conference on a different continent every week if you wanted. Done right though, conferences can be a huge benefit. Here’s what to do:
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olly wilson pfp
olly wilson
Rare Sats have ballooned in popularity across the NFT community, now you can query them in the SimpleHash API! We are tracking all UTXOs on Bitcoin, but ones containing a rare sat have been added to a special collection - check it out here: https://docs.simplehash.com/changelog/announcing-rare-sats-support
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olly wilson pfp
olly wilson
Excited to share our latest case study with DRiP, who are redefining digital ownership and the creator economy on Solana. Through use of compressed NFTs, the team at DRiP has facilitated over 100 million mints, driving forward in a challenging market: https://simplehash.com/blog/drip-the-simplehash-kafka-bulk-service
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3LAU pfp
The best advice I’ve gotten in circumstances like these… That I’m bad at following myself is… remember to sleep
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olly wilson pfp
olly wilson
what do we do at simplehash? make crypto devs lives easier with access to nft data across 50 chains: https://simplehash.com
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