oliver pfp



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oliver pfp
Damn look at all this engagement i’m getting on here 😎
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oliver pfp
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oliver pfp
Rejoice! Another generational opportunity to buy ETH at $3k
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oliver pfp
Tfw the refuel comes out at 9am EST which means I didn’t get to inject 30 mins of bullish ranting into my bloodstream before work
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oliver pfp
well good job everyone... based on today's ETH price (in)action, seems like everyone priced in the ETFs perfectly
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oliver pfp
The best thing about ETH ETFs launching is that now @sassal.eth won’t have to spend half of each daily gwei talking about when the ETFs will be launching… right? 😅😅
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oliver pfp
I know it's ETF day today, but I've been thinking a lot about all the discussion around what L1 should be: on one end, a full featured block chain for end users vs. the other just a settlement layer for L2s From what I could tell from @vitalik.eth's talks at EthCC he is somewhere in the middle. My big concern with having a bare bones L1 is that to me, the whole point is that L1 can act as an escape hatch that you can drop to if an L2 misbehaves. If L1 is unusable for most users, you end up being stuck esp. if you have small balances...
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oliver pfp
Vitalik may have just seen your post... https://vitalik.eth.limo/general/2024/07/17/procrypto.html
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oliver pfp
Every time I try to use Scroll, I regret it. Takes forever to complete a transaction and cost an order of magnitude more than other L2s (which is admittedly still low)... why is it like this?
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oliver pfp
Week 3 down
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oliver pfp
Respectfully... who in the FUCK is buying XRP https://www.coindesk.com/markets/2024/07/12/xrp-is-the-sole-major-in-green-as-bitcoin-bulls-remain-sidelined/
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oliver pfp
Anyone here run their own node? Inspired by @chaskin.eth, I just put an order in for some hardware. I don't have 32ETH lying around, so won't be a validator (yet), but gotta start getting my ETH maxi credentials up
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oliver pfp
I had totally forgotten that worldcoin was building an L2 https://www.coindesk.com/tech/2024/07/09/world-chain-sam-altmans-layer-2-project-opens-to-developers/
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oliver pfp
alright /chess.. i've been stuck at like 1300 ish on chess.com for a while, my peak was probably 1450 but i didn't stay there for long. I want to break 1500. Are there any good guides that you've used that you would recommend? I'm open to spending a little bit of money but don't want to break the bank...
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oliver pfp
I use coinbase.. but certain things (cough Linea) force me to use metamask
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oliver pfp
Happy Canada Day for those who celebrate
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oliver pfp
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oliver pfp
Am listening to a podcast where they are discussing this tweet and my question is…. WHY would we need more apps on L1? When L2s are scaling so quickly..
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oliver pfp
hey /arweave, trying to learn a bit more about the protocol. I've scanned the white paper and a few articles but can't seem to figure out *where* the permanent information is stored. Like whose hard drive is it on? Can I sign up to spin up a node and have files saved on my hard drive at home?
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oliver pfp
"MegaETH uses Ethereum security, Optimism’s fault-proof system and its own optimized sequencer to achieve real-time performance".... so an L2?? https://blocknews.com/megalabs-secures-20m-to-develop-lightning-fast-megaeth-blockchain/
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