youfang10 pfp



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youfang10 pfp
活得太清醒,是件不浪漫的事It is not romantic to live too sober
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youfang10 pfp
No matter how much you say you want a goal, as long as you haven't changed your lifestyle for it, the probability of achieving it is not high.不管你嘴上对一个目标有多渴望,只要你还没有为它改变生活方式,那它实现的概率就不
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youfang10 pfp
财富,是一个人的胆,是一个人的脊椎,也是一个人的尊严所在。Wealth is a measure of a person's wealth and a measure of a person's dignity.
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youfang10 pfp
一个不接受任何反驳的观点:钱能解决世间99%的问题,任何东西在金钱面前都显得微不足道An argument that accepts no refutation: money can solve 99% of the world's problems, and everything else seems trivial in the face of money
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youfang10 pfp
心软,老实,脸皮薄,这三条凑一起,就形成了一道厚厚的防财墙Soft-hearted, honest, thin-skinned, these three together, they formed a thick wall of money
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youfang10 pfp
笑起来让你感觉到很舒服的人,一定要深交,这是臭味相投;第一眼看到不舒服的人,一定要远离,这是气场不和。Laugh to make you feel very comfortable, must be deep, this is like-minded; At the first sight of uncomfortable people, be sure to stay away, this is the gas field and not.
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youfang10 pfp
我们总是被教育的太善良,从而没有了攻击性,忘记了我们是猎物,或者是猎人。 ​​​We have always been educated to be too kind, so there is no aggression, we forget that we are the prey, or the hunter.
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youfang10 pfp
所有动听的话,配上实际行动才有意义。 ​​​All the beautiful words, coupled with practical action will make sense.
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youfang10 pfp
生活有两大误区:一是活给别人看,二是看别人活。 There are two major misunderstandings in life: one is to live for others to see, and the other is to see others live.
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youfang10 pfp
Good looks, is an open letter of recommendation, it from the beginning for us, to win the hearts of others.良好的长相,是一纸摊开的推荐书,它从一开始就为我们,赢得了他人的心。 ​​​
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youfang10 pfp
爱吹牛者不得志,爱说脏话者痰多,爱说绝话者,往往会断绝自己的机会,且困难多。 ​​​Those who love to brag are frustrated, those who love to say bad words are more phlegm, and those who love to speak absolutely often cut off their opportunities, and more difficult.
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youfang10 pfp
你被什么保护,就会被什么限制,能为你遮风挡雨的,同样可以让你暗无天日。 ​​​ 人上班打工一辈子没有一份事业是自己的,牛耕田一辈子,没有一块田是牛的What you are protected by, what will be limited, can protect you from the wind and rain, can also make you dark. People go to work for a lifetime without a career is their own, cattle plowing a lifetime, not a field is cattle
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youfang10 pfp
不要以为自己不会被骗,不过是适合你的剧本还没有出现。 Don't think you won't be cheated, it's just that the right script hasn't come along yet.
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youfang10 pfp
如果你没富过,就不知道富人之间是如何联姻的;如果你没穷过,就不知道穷人之间是如何倾轧的If you have never been rich, you don't know how the rich marry each other. If you haven't been poor, you don't know how the poor fight against each other.
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youfang10 pfp
任何人都不要抱怨卑鄙和下流,因为在这个世上,卑鄙和下流是威力无比的。No one should complain about meanness and indecency, because in this world, meanness and indecency are powerful.
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youfang10 pfp
人生最大的捷径,就是打扮自己,人的运气和打扮真的很有关系。 ​​​ The biggest shortcut in life is to dress up yourself, and people's luck and dress up are really related.
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youfang10 pfp
一个人可以不屠龙 但不能不磨剑 无论是对工作还是生活 都要时刻准备着等待下一个机遇的到来A man may not slay a dragon, but he must sharpen his sword. Always be ready for the next opportunity, both in work and in life.
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youfang10 pfp
期待是一种隐形的自虐,敏感让人感受双倍的爱和痛苦Expectation is a kind of invisible self-abuse, sensitivity makes people feel double love and pain
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youfang10 pfp
忧郁是人不该背负的东西Depression is something that people shouldn't have to carry
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youfang10 pfp
我从不认为坚持下去就能成就什么,但我知道只要放弃肯定一无所有!I never think I can achieve anything if I persist, but I know that as long as I give up, I will have nothing!
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