object279 pfp



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object279 pfp
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object279 pfp
Favorite highlight last few years: COVID crash. Thinking this might be the end of crypto. Hitting the green button anyway.
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object279 pfp
Thanks for your efforts. I see one unserious cast in 8 hours. Is that low? Generally I would favor some liveliness and freshness at the cost of a few low-effort posts, vs. seeing the same pinned posts for days. I appreciate that you want to make this channel worthwhile. Cheers
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object279 pfp
Thanks, I bought the explosive child and read half last night. Really helpful.
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object279 pfp
"A man who suffers before it is necessary, suffers more than is necessary."
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object279 pfp
Thanks. My son is also 9. He's had an ADHD diagnosis since 6 but his cloud of traits incudes a lot from the ASD side (and doc says he would easily get that diagnosis if sought). It's that stuff that's causing him the most heartache currently. Appreciate all the help.
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object279 pfp
And actually... I just now saw your post from before I joined the channel, with a similar question about resources. Lots of good suggestions there. Should have started by looking back :) .I'll go through that.
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object279 pfp
Anyway, I will post here if I come across anything that helps! Cheers
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object279 pfp
Thanks! I listen to UH and read the reason i jump - actually as a result of the recommendation in this channel. They are great at helping to understand the condition. I often wish I knew more effective ways to respond to the things that come with the condition. I feel I do/say the wrong thing a lot.
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object279 pfp
Can anyone recommend any books that have helped them be a better parent to an ASD child? Ideally aimed at ASD level 1 (what used to be called high functioning), but I'll take anything!
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object279 pfp
First one is incredible but needs a blindfold imho
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object279 pfp
I just minted Based Ghouls - Dragon on @mintdotfun
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object279 pfp
Assuming yes, I think the social network status rewards give the same qualitative rewards. Society status: qualitative claim to status > subjective evaluation> qualitative reward. Social network status: quantitative claim to status > objective evaluation > quantitative reward > qualitative reward (admiration etc)
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object279 pfp
Checking I understand your question - I gather you're saying social networks simulate respect, admiration etc. by replacing them with quantitative things (like tokens and likes). And how can we create qualitative status rewards while remaining in a social network/web3 environment? Is that what you're asking?
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object279 pfp
Epictetus on not getting too wrapped up in what people say online: “If a person gave away your body to some passerby, you’d be furious. Yet you hand over your mind to anyone who comes along, so they may abuse you, leaving it disturbed and troubled—have you no shame in that?”
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object279 pfp
hey, i don't suppose you ever figured this out? i'm assuming not possible, which is unfortunate...
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object279 pfp
Two key claims to social esteem: money and wit/intellect. If you have one or both you usually have social access of some kind. Web3 doesn't change that. But there can be barriers - looks, race, family, disabilities, etc. Web3 at its best makes the claims easier to prove and the barriers harder to erect.
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object279 pfp
not quite following you here - why would it be rational to have faith if something is unknown? seems the rational thing is to reserve judgement or default to lack of faith. not that it's "wrong" to have faith - i just don't see the argument that it's rational.
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object279 pfp
haha extremely and specifically relatable. don't ask me how i know, but at least where I live, police can see that you've renewed, so you shouldn't get stopped or ticketed just for the old tags being there as long as the renewal has happened.
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object279 pfp
taking "rational ground" as a logical, evidence-based reason, then imo belief should require a rational ground but doesn't in practice. I can't deny that someone believes earth is flat just because I don't think logic supports that. Faith isn't a ground to believe something at all imo. It's the outcome of the grounds.
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