Nick pfp



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Nick pfp
higher πŸ—»
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Nick pfp
the more opinionated the Warpcast algorithm becomes, the more value there is to creating new apps differentiated by the algorithm. the trouble is creating UX that competes with Warpcast's becomes increasingly hard as the network grows more mainstream.
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Nick pfp
I've recently noticed that it's easy to get reach on an account with a power badge, but it's incredibly hard to get reach on a new account at the moment.
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Nick pfp
Stripe just announced "pay with stables". today, Stripe process 40% of all online payments + subscriptions. Connect wallet and pay coming this summer πŸ€―πŸš€
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Nick pfp
Kotor, Montenegro πŸ—»
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Nick pfp
the biggest pain points in crypto ux for beginners is dealing with centralised exchange on-ramps onboard 5 new friends this bull run by asking them to spin up a @rainbow wallet (5 min) and sending them $10-20 worth of crypto on /base
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Nick pfp
the english coast 🌊 oil on canvas
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Nick pfp
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Nick pfp
Warpcast popping up Metamask whenever I refresh the page πŸ‘€
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Nick pfp
ethereum has around 200m unique wallets that's a similar number of users to the Internet in 1998 this was the Internet in 1998:
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Nick pfp
β€œAI is forcing a reversal of the SaaS acronym. From Software-as-a-Service to Service-as-a-Software.”
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Nick pfp
looks like @rainbow recently improved their support for showing balances of low market cap coins πŸ’― the points incentives are pretty awesome too (earn by trading through the wallet) try it out if you haven’t already!
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Nick pfp
focus isn't about what you do, it's about choosing what you don't do. what are you refusing to do in order to stay productive? πŸ‘‡
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Nick pfp
solo founders, what's your unfair advantage?
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Nick pfp
Finding 10 customers who really need your solution is better than finding 1000 customers who see your product as a "nice to have".
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Nick pfp
communication challenge: explain your startup to a 7 year old πŸ‘‡
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Nick pfp
what's the highest-impact decision you've ever made as a founder?
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Nick pfp
my first frame grew 120 hours+ of engagement from nearly 1k casters πŸ“ˆ building something new with much higher potential ↗️ looking to partner with an OG who could help with reach/growth 🌱
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Nick pfp
the next Zynga will be built on farcaster
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Nick pfp
gm 🎨 minted/bought a few of my favourites πŸ’―
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